aero.senpai said:
From what I am understanding by "head voice" from the comments and explanations here, I don't recall Keiko using it in Itokubo, much to the contrary.
I haven't listened to ItoKubo as well but I just cited some performances that people here commented that it sounds like her 'ItoKubo' voice. (One that I can recall is her voice when she sang Sorairo Days.) So it may be my confusion as well...Orz... Let say that I refer her voice in 'Sorairo Days' perf..

As for Keiko's range IMO:
Almost all part in Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa>>>chest voice.
"yeheyee" in vanity live>>>Mostly chest voice and head voice in some high part.
in the end of "red moon">>>chest voice
'deshou' in manten 'kitto hana no sakari deshou'>>>Maybe the shift from chest voice to head voice. I don't have enough confidence to deal with songs without live perf..

. The key for what I refer as her 'chest voice' is the thickness and roughness in her voice. They sound too thick and rough to be head voice. It's quite hard to tell for Manten because it's the recording one so you can hear the 'roughness' and 'resonance' less than in the live perf.
P.S. According to wiki, I think what I called 'stamina voice' is classified as chest voice as well. I thought I used the wrong word....

if translate it directly from the term used in my country language, it may be 'abdominal voice'... not sure whether it has the specific term in English or not. (It's the 'chest voice' singing with the force from your abdomen to empower your voice.)