Oh my god lol I thought Wakana was using her chest voice in TTB and manten... OTZ *gives up*
/reads wiki article + explanations

Okay, so if I'm correct, head voice 'resonates more' and sounds er...'stronger' than falsetto? (Then...in say, for example, MATERIALISE live, was Wakana using a falsetto or her head voice?)
Okay...after thinking about it...I think maybe Wakana's chest voice e.g. in Mizu no and Kimi ga etc. sounds 'fuller' and 'richer', than her head voice, which sounds 'thinner'?
Omg this is so mindscrewy lol...I think I can tell more easily when the other girls, i.e. Keiko, Hikaru, Kaori etc. switch between chest voice and head voice because it sounds different in terms of the texture...
Wait...does Yuuka also sing with a head voice?
Okay, so going back to Wakana (lol this music stuff is hard...I admire all those professionals even more now XD) her chest voice is like her voice in Kizuato, Kimi ga, Mizu no etc., her head voice is like TTB, manten, and her falsetto would be like 'paradise regained', 'where the lights are' ?
EDIT: I forgot -
Well, keep in mind that TTB has very high notes - way past high C - so I doubt that it was in Wakana's range to use chest voice for them.

Kajiura's songs are beautiful but I wonder if they're sometimes hell to sing...
And the Lisani video - yes, I saw the DREADED NECK VEIN
Well still, I don't know if the snippet of TTB live in that video was Studio Magicked or not, but if it wasn't, Wakana did a good job!

(if it was, well...I'm sure you did your best anyway, Wacchan!

Somehow now...I'm beginning to be a bit afraid of seeing manten live...especially that high bit in the middle "manten no chorus + those two mystery words"