Vocal Discussion of Yuki's Singers

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KONIcchi said:
Erm.... can I ask something...?
Anybody here went to their concert/live? Can you tell me how they sound? Good? Okay? Superb? :confu:
I guess I consider myself in the same boat as Yuki88. From the past YK and Kala lives I've been to, I just found myself "bewitched" by the atmosphere so much so that I didn't notice bad/horrendous singing from any of the vocalists. I did find that they sounded pretty okay occasionally but most of the time, they were fantastic. The only time I recall ever thinking something was jarringly off was when Wakana sang out of sync with the music during their 2010 Odaiba live. Oh well, it could be that I was mostly just too caught up with the excitement at the venue that I didn't tend to notice mistakes. Also, I don't actively seek out mistakes from them to begin with. ^^
Thanks guys for the reply! I always want to know this. I’m glad!
This thread amazed me. I have no knowledge about music. For me, good song = good music + good vocal XD

I have no idea when they’re off-key or make mistakes, but I always love FJ/Kalafina live.
(I wish YK will do orchestra concert like Nobuo Uematsu or Joe Hisaishi)
They’re the only artist that I really like the live version over the studio recording.
Because in Live they sounds soooo energetic & powerful! Thanks to the magic of Yuki Kajiura music, the superb live Band & the power vocal of the Utahimes.

And some of their songs in live can give me goosebumps! In a good way of course ^^
And sometimes my mouth hanging open like a moron while watching their live XD
^ good chance for you to witness Kalafina yourself since they're coming to Malaysia for AFA MY I love Anisong concert :knife:
KONIcchi said:
Thanks guys for the reply! I always want to know this. I’m glad!
This thread amazed me. I have no knowledge about music. For me, good song = good music + good vocal XD

I have no idea when they’re off-key or make mistakes, but I always love FJ/Kalafina live.
(I wish YK will do orchestra concert like Nobuo Uematsu or Joe Hisaishi)
They’re the only artist that I really like the live version over the studio recording.

Yes, I'd love a Yuki Kajiura orchestral live also. Kenji Kawai did one, and Nana Mizuki had the Live Grace Orchestra concerts with video, and there was the orchestral Haruhi Suzumiya concert and video and the Macross Frontier concerts...

Yes, I love good orchestral concerts.

Yuki88 said:
^ good chance for you to witness Kalafina yourself since they're coming to Malaysia for AFA MY I love Anisong concert :knife:

Won't you be coming as well, Yuki? afaik You lived in Kalimantan, right? zi'll try my best to come there this year. Maybe it's once in a lifetime chance... and there's FLOW too :shy: :shy:
Nope, I'm in Java now. FML cuz there are not only Kalafina but also KOTOKO and Kurosaki Maon. :blood:

If they're adding akb48 into the list then it will be like adding salt into my pain :cry:

Yuki88 said:
Nope, I'm in Java now. FML cuz there are not only Kalafina but also KOTOKO and Kurosaki Maon. :blood:

If they're adding akb48 into the list then it will be like adding salt into my pain :cry:

Well, I lived in Java and Malaysia is not so-expensive country to travel to... Although it would be a big blow-up to my saving, but for me to see Kalafina and FLOW live...on a same event... :omg: And this thread really made me curious on how well they performed in live.
I have insane schedule of uni this semester and my grade wasn't too good last semester so i need to study hard :uh..:
@yuki, :plot: :plot: :plot:
BTW, good luck in your study yuki! :sparkleguy:

:sohappy: :sohappy: My chance has come!!! Now I wish I have nothing urgent/important to do that day... :plz:
You lucky people :TdT:

FULL REPORT REQUESTED :gimmeh: Give us every single juicy detail :stars:
for my perspective that the members of kalafina have there each voice range specialize like keiko doing the lower part wakana the higher part and hikaru also the right range voice. that's why aria and sprinter were rare to do a live version because the voice range of maya is missing using keiko and wakana singing the parts that maya left . and also if you hear some songs that kalafina sing not made by yuki you will know some part of that song does not fit to each of kalafina members like in sorairo days in first part individually singing of kalafina memebrs at yuzenegai good thing yuki sama is there to arrange the vocal arrangement of kalafina members

as for yuriko she is doing always back up vocals from lower to higher pitch and also she is veteran when it comes of voice manipulation that's why yuki always use her from almost of her song as back vocals and for main vocal listen to her album a soprano

. as for kaori well just like yuriko i hear her doing back vocals also main vocal in back vocals she can pitch her voice from lower to higher vice versa as from main vocal -- comment from spacecraft they say that she is a talented vocalist and also i hear her from many collaboration sound horizon oozuku band fictionjunction haruka from sound horizon bj girls chicks chicks and many more she doing her job well like yuki said she is a pro

only my observation := ) :sohappy:
^sprinter and Aria were never rare on live concerts, the way I remember. At least not sprinter.
Yeah, those 2 songs are never rare in Kala's concert. Sprinter, ARIA and oblivious are the KnK themes that they never grew tire on performing, LOL.

Although I agree with virgil that all Kala members have their own specialized range (I think ALL group singers have that, LOL), whether they perform good or bad is back to the vocalist and their current condition. As for Kaori, like Hikaru and Yuriko, doesn't stick to one way of singing, although they have their more comfortable range (Hikaru in lower, Yuriko in higher, Kaori in moderate/middle). Unlike Keiko that mostly sings with her chest voice that makes her voice deep, rounded, and low, and Wakana with her head voice that makes her mostly have to sing in higher notes and can't handle her lower notes well.

That's why (for me) Wakana and Keiko always sound the same in every songs, and they could be easily identified when they sing together. Kaori, Hikaru, and Yuriko use different way of singing based on the song they sing, so they have a somewhat wider range of singing.

I don't know, that's for me.
I'm willing to bet a lot of her singers don't often reach their range limits. That is to say they So and So seldom sings as high or as low as is vocally possible for them, thus not really pushing it as far as they could go range wise.
Especially given that the music style doesn't always vary quite as much as regular choral or classical music. Well I guess saying that would be a stretch the background vocals can be very impressive. Or maybe I just haven't listened to enough. The ranges the do use are wider than most pop or popular music.
:dote: Hehe this little critter looks like it's bobbing it's head to my music.

ritardando said:
That's why (for me) Wakana and Keiko always sound the same in every songs, and they could be easily identified when they sing together. Kaori, Hikaru, and Yuriko use different way of singing based on the song they sing, so they have a somewhat wider range of singing.
I think in Kalafina Hikaru has the widest range. In some songs, she sings really high parts (oblivious, Hikari no Senritsu...) and in others, it's almost Keiko range (can't remember the song I was going to use as an example... :ohoho: )

KLV said:
The ranges the do use are wider than most pop or popular music.
Very true. :XD:
Eh, I don't think so, because in oblivious, Wakana didn't sing the melody line (main melody) that high, so Hikaru can do the higher harmony, so does in Hikari no Senritsu. And she does not sing higher harmony on every part of the chorus.

And it's not quite close to Keiko's range, because Keiko can even do lower harmony for her already low part (like in magnolia). Hikaru did sing in deep voice in Magia, but it's not in that low key... I think every girl in Kala has their own fair share of vocal range.