"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

Finish watching the first cour. Nice music. Well-created characters&main plot. But I think the delivery of the story makes it the most boring anime I watched in this season =.=.

The OSTs feel like Pandora Heart+Accordion+Waltz. (And I also feel that the music of Pandora Heart is kinda a copy-cat of Tsubasa Chronicle (with lower quality).) I feel like Kajiura used waltz to represent the atmosphere of European aristocrat society (like in here & Princess Principal), but it makes me a bit tired of waltz though. And the accordion tracks sound more Spanish than French. (Probably because I don’t have enough experience for the music in that region, and so I can’t tell the difference.)

I enjoy the music, but like Pandora Heart’s, I can’t feel strong identity of the music for this show. (Unlike some other shows, whether they’re good or bad (ex. SAO, PMMM, Fate, etc.), they have their own traits.)

Kajiura tweeted that she enjoyed creating music for Jeanne, and I think that most of the songs that she wrote mainly for strong female characters are nice. (Except Saber…?, I guess…I can’t think of a good one. @~@) I like both Jeanne and Domi~ Hope that the latter one would get a nice theme in the 2nd cour.
I also feel that the music of Pandora Heart is kinda a copy-cat of Tsubasa Chronicle (with lower quality).) I feel like Kajiura used waltz to represent the atmosphere of European aristocrat society (like in here & Princess Principal), but it makes me a bit tired of waltz though. And the accordion tracks sound more Spanish than French. (Probably because I don’t have enough experience for the music in that region, and so I can’t tell the difference.)
To me El Cazador sounded more spanish and gipsy compared to Vanitas that sounds definitely more aristocratic.

Maybe we should blame the material on which she's working on, since there are (some? many?) historical inacurracies eg Jeanne going on a tour in Paris (events happen before 1900) but eating a Harajuku Crepe (that was created in japan after 1970)... I know it's fiction, but!
Japanese anime are full of such inaccuracies. Dont get me started on Fate series which show Iskander as some muscular red hair guy while he was just a normal curly dude with sharp mind. Has Arthur with reversed genre (Shaber) etc. And there are even more gender swaps in FGO. And you worry about the stuff they eat n you think that will influence the music somehow ? XD
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To me El Cazador sounded more spanish and gipsy compared to Vanitas that sounds definitely more aristocratic.

Maybe we should blame the material on which she's working on, since there are (some? many?) historical inacurracies eg Jeanne going on a tour in Paris (events happen before 1900) but eating a Harajuku Crepe (that was created in japan after 1970)... I know it's fiction, but!
I agree that El Cazador OSTs sound much more Spanish :D. Crepe is originated from France though…probably one of the most famous French cuisine, but Harajuku crepe in those days is a bit too much..lol. And I think it’s a fictional world from the start, with vampires, the glowing material that become fuel for automata and those flying ships and the tower that constructed for the world expo instead of Eiffel tower. I’d see it as an alternative Paris in a parallel world :P.
Yeah, I was half-kidding with my comment, but half-serious as a strong advocate and fanatic of both French Gastronomy and Kajiura hegemony ;p
Hmmm. If anyone still has my episode rips (as of 10), do we think 43 and 24 are the same track? Wonder why I made it a separate number back then... Me=dum.
I ll look into it. Btw whats up with this show are they having a break or something because i think thete hasnt been new ep for at least a week if not two.
Okay, so while I don't have the news we are waiting for, there's been updates to the BD/DVD releases:

The first character songs are not by Kajiura. (The Vanitas x Noe song is by the guy who did the OP actually.)
The tokuten appears to be a video unrelated to Kajiura indeed, not CD.
・特典映像「Cuisinons une tarte tatin! -ヴァニタスとノエの謎解きクッキング-」

Which further suggests we might be getting what we want as a standalone release (in Feb/March). ^_^
I think the fact that the show made such a big break didnt help maintaining the hype (if there was any lol). Then again, its not the first time Kajiura scores for an unpopular show :) Im sure still made alot of cash from the KnY songs to fill in the gap in her bank account. But im worried about the animators, which is questionable if they ll be paid on time...

Also the OP was so bad, i always skipped it. On most shows OP has a great contrubution to the anime impact, thats why they often use it for the teasers too.
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The Case Study of Vanitas Anime's 2nd Part Premieres on January 14

At the very least it wasn't cancelled. :p

There will be a special program on January 7.
放送開始前週に「ヴァニタスの手記」2クール目放送直前特番 ~En route pour le Gévaudan~の放送も決定!

I presume it will be a recap of the first cour?

Expecting that OST announcement around the first episode. 🙏
They have probably finished the episodes already so might as well air them 🙂 sucked the BD sales were so low 😥 i ve seen worse show doing better.