"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

They are really holding off on using that Hanae untzuntz from PV5...

This episode was okay. I'm sure there's a good show hidden here... it just really needed a rewrite.
I wonder how that accordion+untzuntz track will be handled on the upcoming OST release. Will it be alternating between solos and untzuntz like here or will it be the untzuntz parts only... Hoping for the best (with the least unreleased stuff).
The catacomb track from episode 8 seems to be a violin and cello piece. Kind of disappointed tbh. The music was actually pretty interesting this episode because it felt like we got to hear a bit more of the full versions(?) of some of the tracks. The way the sound director has played around with the tracks it all kind of feels like a puzzle lol

The official release of this ost is going to be interesting to say the least.
I think that slow cello track before the ED was new ? Also got almost full of the Hanae battle track :)

Those shadows remind me of the similar things from FMA Brotherhood lol
They are really holding off on using that Hanae untzuntz from PV5...
Holy smokes. Going through the show like on Fena and I completely forgot they used this track back in ep6. Obviously I have some very strong distaste for this show.
Ripped Vanitas BGM as of episode 10, if anyone cares for a recap 6 months before the OST comes out, lolz.


Kind of in appearance order, you'll catch on why.
A few mockups, then some separate vocal/off vocal with different endings or renditions in different keys. I could not figure out how to join them based on the show, nor if I should - no idea how they will end up being in the released OST version.

It was difficult to cut down cause it's SFX city sometimes. I probably left some by mistake or misnumbered something.

Gotta say Roland's action track with Hanae grew on me. On the other hand, the big Vanitas theme (with Hanae at the start and choir at the end, #7 in the rips above), I really started to dislike, lol.

I really hope the OST release of rooftop track/#16 goes through all the loops with acoustic and untzuntz separately. Watch them only include untzuntz version, which I really like but I also like the acoustic, lol. In an ideal situation it would all be there and even longer. (This mockup incorporates both by switching in the middle of the acoustic run. There was no longer version for the full untzuntz part in the show - I did try mixing the acoustic version and untzuntz bass from episode2 rooftop but it didn't really work for the entire thing. :/)
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Bonjour, my lad.

1 new track, I think.

003 // op // 012, 029, 015, 013, 003 (?longest yet) // ?new?044?, 037 (?longest yet), 011, 016, 002, ?036, 038 (?longest yet, prolly full) // ed
I loved the music in this episode! Especially the one where he's showing her around Paris. It reminds me of Mai HIme. I can't wait for this soundtrack too. So many Kajiura works at once! Soon we'll have Madoka too. Ahhh!
Pretty sure there were 3 new musics in episode 11:

- Paris sightseeing bgm (11:00)
- Bgm during long talk between Noe and the red haired duke (13:11)
- bgm during blood sucking scene (20:10)

I loved all 3 and especially the 2nd which has a subtitle choir.
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- Bgm during long talk between Noe and the red haired duke
If you mean the one that's playing at 14m, it's not new - 037 in the rips. Played in ep6.
- bgm during blood sucking scene
Which blood sucking scene? I'm not sure about the SFXish Ruthven suck - it could be new but I am betting on 036 (particularly because of 18:54 in the episode and 0:14 in the rip). If you mean Jeanne at the end, definitely not new - 038. Played in ep7 at two occasions.
Track 19 is missing from the folder
Picky. :p
It's m008b.
If you must know, m005 is m001b (which I really should've left as m005 but owell) and m009 is m001c (and then maybe have this one as m005b).
Whatever. It's just something to help keep track of the music since the OST won't be out for another 6 months.
yea those baroquesque tracks are really nice ! (see paradoxically I look for strings to take over the violin melody in the paris-sightseeing track but then the track wouldn't be as lighthearted). the ending violin track is sure very dramatic and emotional and super chilly ending.

i do have to say.. there seems to be a loot of blood sucking and licking?

(can you add time points for the music @george1234 xD? I don't watch the whole thing sometimes and just look for new music- especially for this show which doesn't interest me at all)

wow #38 cut missed very nice violin ending... let's not wait 6 months before the ost plsz
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What a snorefest.
You'd think I'd appreciate the in-show BL epiphany but I know the writer/director won't do shit with it for the longest time. And even if they did, it just won't work on me because I don't like the characters or anything the show is serving.

m020, ?002 // op // 026, 024(I could be wrong - bizarro), 014, 001b // 036, 016, op, 010 // ed

I really don't think I'll be watching the 2nd cour. And if I do, for the music, I certainly won't be bothering anyone with my weekly complaining anymore. ;p
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I told you if they didn't announce it back in July and it's not part of the BD tokutens, it won't be out before Feb 2022. :p