"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

Oh that was right. Last episode ended by showing altus Paris but we didnt get to see any of it. ep 4 started by showing their cart had already arrived somewhere lol And suddenly there was a ball. Why ? Who sent the invitations ? And where does it take place.? Feels like director skipped half a volume worth of manga material.
The episode was actually very faithful to the manga lol

The first 10 chapters or so move very quickly with very little world building and I'm not sure how much of it is intentional or just an oversight by Mochizuki
According to this episode, both the choir track and the last battle track should be at least ~2min30 long.

Agree that it was good to hear an organ although it was just a short sound and not present in the whole track.
Anyway Kajiura didn't use it really much in other works so I'm glad she tried new things here.

If only some epic tracks were actually mixed up with the funny ones in the final soundtrack ^^

I've already compared the track from PV1 to "Planetarian" from La La Land but I hear another similarity between a motif from the last battle track and "Epilogue" at 2:11

@george1234 at 7:18 ? I can only hear the distant melody or can't hear the voice because they're talking...
My main complain for the episode: they're talking way too much, can't really enjoy the soundtrack ><
OK, been busy all day but letsu go with #5~

You know... some of the tracks, while simple, have some interesting harmony choices every now and then.

This episode was alright but it was very poorly set up from the previous one. Starting to think this director isn't very good.
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I quite liked the piano piece when the kids met, and the violin (viola?) piece that played multiple times during the episode.
@grunty Sad to say, but the show is pretty much a verbatim adaptation. Production cut a few details here and there, but otherwise all these issues are very much present in the manga. It's a shame they didn't clean things up but I'm still enjoying the characters.

The music was really nice. Some GOOD atmospheric tracks and some pretty imagery as well. The violin track was beautiful and the a.guitar x strings was cute.

I really wish kajiura would add a harpist to her regular ensemble.
I really liked many of the tracks in the 5th episode.
- The cello track when charlatan talks to Noe. (so that evil being is female after all ?)
- The piano track when they met.
- the merry guitar - strings track later on
- The harp tracks provide a nice atmosphere.
- The violin track and viola tracks were really lovely :plz:
- even the music box + ambience track was so good.

By the amount of tracks appearing each episode i think this will have at least 2 soundtracks (or there will be alot of unreleased tracks).

I think this director is really bad at making cliffhangers. And also at connecting each episode with the next.
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I'm still watching the new episode but honestly I'm ready to drop this anime.

I felt like they promised an action sequence with ?Charlatan at the end of episode 4, then went into a full flashback for episode5 and at the beginning of ep6 the enemies just retreat... Meh?

At least played that Short PV track with Hanae but unlike the previous Hanae action BGM this one is more of a stringfest. It's also suuuuuper low volume in the episode.

Well, at least Noe looked extra pretty (hot) at the end there. That whole interaction though.... Meh.
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Yeah this whole arc was bad. Next one should be better but I don't blame anyone for jumping ship.

PV track was disappointing with the strings, but the cello x piano track that came later made up for it.
Eh. The dang opening animation has more personality than the show. And where dfuq is Murr? :/

I'll probably finish this cour just because we're already in the middle but if it doesn't grab me by the balls, I ain't doing the same mistake again as on Fate/Zero when people told me "the finale is where it's really at" after the first cour. (Not a spoiler: I found Fate/Zero to be super boring.)
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At first it has slow pace but it now somehow became so slow in this ep. Evil guy retreated so easily lol "we run out of time" ? They barely even fought for a minute lol and what would happen if they stayed ? The Sanate guy is so strong he would destroy him. I suppose salvation means kiling the cursed in that last stage where they re irreversible + reverting back to normal those who arent like that. He could just explain this instead of waste half ep talking about it and we end up with a lame "suspense". I also liked that cello piano harp track <3. That stereotypical Happy ever after bgm that tends to play near the end reminds of Tsubasa episodes, many of which ended with "believe". I was expecting better plot, will wait some more episodes to see if it gets better.
I loved episode 5's songs. Lots of new stuff there. Ep 6 not sure what was new. There seem to be a lot of slow cello tracks, which I don't really care for, unless it is a really sweet melody. There have been some vocals so far, so that's good. Looking forward to this ost now.
This was a nice episode. The second blood sucking scene was even more sensual than usual.

Music was good as usual too but the short percussion piece in the restaurant was particularly great.
Episode 7: I was really surprised to see acoustic piano while that goofy/comedy track was playing when they talked about the kiss mark. Also LOVE that violin / guitar / percussion bgm right after it. The next one with the accordion and guitar is good too but i think it played before. Slow accordion during Jeanne - Vanitas convo was also good. I think Kajiura needs to be working with Flying Dog to produce soundtracks with alot of good long tracks after all ^^;
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