"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

^the cello one was also weak imo sounded like every other cello Kajiura track. I don't tend to like those tracks. I like the Paris one as well. Very nice. Has a Hanako feel for me. Looking forward to the next episode.
(continuing from Kimetsu thread)
they've just added some Vanitas Bonus CD on the website, but missing Vol.3 (~Dec 25) and Vol.7 (~May 25).
Maybe it will include the soundtracks? SAO WoU had it in bonus CD 3 and 8 as an example...
View attachment 24569
The missing bonus discs could be DVDs with some seiyuu garbo. v( '')v

While it's certainly not looking great for a standalone OST release rn, there have been Aniplex shows which had standalones and tokuten CDs (and then also those which had extra tokuten soundtracks in addition to a standalone :/).

Anyways, sux I won't be buying it if it's tokuten OSTs but also maybe we'll be getting more tracks this way than if it were a standalone release.
Nothing we can do about it.

And so we wait.
The missing bonus discs could be DVDs with some seiyuu garbo. v( '')v
Yep, I bet most of them are drama CD/character songs...

Vol1 -> Drama
Vol2 -> OST1
Vol3 -> Drama
Vol4 -> OST2
Vol5 -> Drama
Vol6 -> OST3
Vol7 -> Drama
Vol8 -> Drama because 4 CD sounstracks are too much...

Or maybe every bonus CD is Drama and the Standalone OST is coming in September, like El-Melloi :)
Oh bitch. We are in tokuten hell now.

Anyways, peeps on VGMDB updated the bluray listings with catalogue numbers now so I guess we might get the official listings after this episode or by next wednesday?

Edit: Yep.
https://vanitas-anime.com/bddvd/Nothing about tokuten soundtracks! Only dramas and character songs.
Vol.3 and 7 tokuten discs are still missing details but it says "bonus video" for them. (特典映像)

We got standalone OSTs incoming! Possibly.
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Yeah that was pretty uncomfortable. Director was definitely channeling monogatari very heavily lol. At least the music was nice.

I've got to say the sound direction is so refreshing. Wakabayashi actually uses kajiura's music as opposed to Iwanami who spams sfx tracks
If they don't announce an OST soon, I'm guessing it's going to be a 2CD release at the end of February (when the blurays have a break). Or maybe they'd keep it until the very end - so March.

Plzplzplzplzplz be a complete release or at the very least 70+ minutes of Kajiura on each disc.
i also didnt expect him to be so so aggressive and for just fun too lol

I like alot of musics in the one too. The ones before and after the kiss, with the guitar and arcodeon n violin are <3 then i liked the one from Noe's true name (in the one i liked the bridge most), the parade one, and the childhood friend theme
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i loved the new tango. gosh all the scenes I have to endure just to listen to new Kajiura music. ghh.
Good music for sure. I'm just afraid that Kajiura spams the arabian melodies on Altus Paris.
If they don't announce an OST soon, I'm guessing it's going to be a 2CD release at the end of February (when the blurays have a break). Or maybe they'd keep it until the very end - so March.
Ok, so based on the bonus CD now we know that the 2nd cour will start airing in early winter. Better than a 1 year gap, great.
A bit sad about the very few Kajiura stuff that will be released in 2021 though. Last hope with Fena.
Ya, Fena's OST should be out by the end of this year if it's just 12eps and JVC. Plzbcomplete.

I hope Vanitas cour2 doesn't get delayed due to some production issues but since they announced all the blurays immediately, mebe everything's on track...
NGL I've been stressing out about those two missing tokuten discs still being OSTs, lol. The other Blurays also have "Bonus Video" listed (like Creditless OP, ED movies). But then why wouldn't they announce details for those like all the other tokutens if they were more CDs and OSTs...

Teh uncertainty.
Pre-opening exposition went right over my head. I have no idea what it was about beyond "the world has changed and we are a new breed".
Thumbs up for Murr in a mask.
I don't know how accurate this would be to anyone else, I thought about it last week already, but Domi's seiyuu is giving me some Sayaka Ohara x Nana Mizuki vibes.

One fun track at the end and it really confused me with what was happening on screen.
The writing (or translation) and pacing (or direction) in this episode was awful. Hopefully next episode makes up for it.
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It was a fast episode to say the least, but I didn't mind it too much. The manga has a lot of awkward transitions so I was prepared for some pacing issues. Still, the anime could have smoothed things over.

The music was really nice again. The Arabian track turned out to be more interesting than I expected, and the organ during the chandelier scene was very nice albeit a little short. I also enjoyed the cutesy track that played right after that.
I thought it felt padded and slow, lolz. Not to mention the lackluster animation (or rather the amount of stills/shortcuts).
I loved the (battle?) track near the end with the flute guitar accordion it was so much in tsubasa/ elcazador style <3

The ball room track was quite nice as well but we have had a few of these in other projects as well.

tokyo konsei track was okay, but not out of the ordinary. I liked the church organ part though :))

I like that the director lets the tracks to play in long duration not like the SAO dude that was using few secs each -_-

It wasnt fast episode but it wasnt immersive enough for some reason.

do you think the vocal at 7:18 is sampled ? That track has alot of "another dimension" style, something that i like.

why the blood sucking scenes in this anime are alot like intercourse ones ? lol

Was the ED theme always in english or i just noticed ?
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I thought it felt padded and slow, lolz. Not to mention the lackluster animation (or rather the amount of stills/shortcuts).
lol that's funny. I felt like nothing had a chance to breathe. They showed up at the ball and a minute later jumped to interrogations.

And yeah, the animation definitely took a hit. The stills in the ballroom were particularly noticeable.
Oh, the ball was literally nothing. We only just got to Altus and the world building was literally nothing despite WORDS. And paradoxically that's exactly why it felt padded and slow. Nothing we got this episode felt like it was of value or alive even. It was dead. (And no, just because it was about vampires doesn't mean it's an okay direction. :p)
Oh that was right. Last episode ended by showing altus Paris but we didnt get to see any of it. ep 4 started by showing their cart had already arrived somewhere lol And suddenly there was a ball. Why ? Who sent the invitations ? And where does it take place.? Feels like director skipped half a volume worth of manga material.