Haha i wouldnt mind that too. But he's too much of a side character to be in the cover, unless he climb's on Vanita's shoulder / head or something, but from what i remember, he hates him 

This I can wholly with u george cause your take on spoiler tracklist on Fena is so bad lol like the anime is finished already when it was released I can hardly say it is a spoiler. Vanitas will broadcasted halfwayish to end and ost will be released so we will know if there will be surprising shit.If they use the usual spoilerish titles they re gonna spoil the plot lol
To think how much Kajiura is into cycling…lol. Won’t it be a really good opportunity to show her affection for her hobby in her work..^+++^.Tour de France
Je suis Jeanne
Balance ton Vanitas