This topic ... it must be cursed ... I tried to post sth here and everytime the post disappeared, one way or another ...
The originally posts I made had more rules and are much much longer than this one (and I quoted quite a lot of posts), but this time I don't have the energy left to write so much, so ...
1. Well,
all rules from before are still used (plz look at the 1st post of this topic for more details). And I repeat, plz make each caption 1 sentence-long only
2. New limit: from now on, to avoid turning this into a mess,
in each caption there will not be more than 4 clauses.
More info on clauses here: but I doubt anyone will need it.
3. New rule: Plz
write the caption at the top part of yr replies before writing anything else

If u wanna comment, or argue,
or even troll, plz do it after writing the caption.
It's ok to post a post without caption, though, since it won't be counted in the story :)
4. This is a suggestion, and a demand from me: About the plot, not like I'm against having the onion(s) suffer, but just suddenly killing off the characters by saying "X dies" or something like that may severely damage the flow of the story

plz don't try to suddenly k.ill off the chars by saying "X dies" or sth like that

don't write anything 18+ in the captions, there're ppl still in high school here
5. Also a suggestion: In recent posts I see some users are trying to
imply one or more of these things: (I'm really sorry but this time I won't mention who did what or quote any more ... For weird reasons, I always lost my previous posts before I completed them
_ "I'm trolling haha, try and catch meee
_ "I love to write things that make others think I'm trolling
_ "I don't like this guy/ girl's idea
Gonna mess with it by doing things against the rules"
_ "Oops, plz excuse my manners ...I didn't mean to do anything bad, it's just that I couldn't fix my bad manners
_ "I'm too sleepy ... but I still wanna reply
" --> posted unrelated captions
_ (More)
Of course, I have to say, I do not have the right to say what it is u guys should write, but plz avoid saying things that may make others think of the things above. When I made this post, I wanted everyone to have fun playing, not only some ppl have fun messing with others' ideas
for those who keep disturbing others after this, first, anyone playing who feel disturbed plz
make a formal complaint in a post (plz write the words "formal complaint" in yr post, then state clearly who disturbed u and why. And be FORMAL

If the user still feel disturbed after 3 FORMAL complaints, I'll
open a poll and everyone will vote whether to exclude all future captions of the user who causes trouble from the story. After voting, if there're more ppl deciding to ignore him/ her, then u guys can
click the "!" button on the user's posts so that his/ her posts won't appear when u view the topic anymore (unless u allow it) Not clicking the button is fine, too, as long as u ignore his/ her captions (not his/ her posts without captions, though).
And in case things turn into a mess again, plz follow the latest forum rules --> take things into pm, report user, add to foe list, etc. Plz don't argue here too much

I know some may say that I'm not being fair by relying on the majority, but this topic IS made with the majority in mind. And I'll repeat this, the Onion Game is a GAME, so it's better to have fun than have an angry mob throw bad words at u.
6. Another suggestion: Those
who don't like others' ideas or mannerism can do one of the following things:
_ Make a formal complaint, but plz suggest some examples as to how that user can improve his/herself and take things into pm if this turns into a mess again
_ Suggest how a user can change WITHOUT the formal complaint thing (recommended)
_ Twist the plot yr way by means within the rules
Plz don't go against the rules, it only results in trouble for everyone.
Ok, I guess I'm done with the suggestion and rules thing

If u have any more suggestions, plz tell me.
Let us restart the game with this caption:

(Our onion wakes up and found out it was having a nightmare)