A long while after they sing, CPMers and the Kajiura gang seemed to be getting bored, Moon stood up and set up her sound system.
Moon: HEEELLLLOOOOOOOO, Host Moonlight is on the roll again!

From what I can see, everyone seemed to be ~Oh so bored,

But in this rare event, there should be no space for boredom.

That is why I, your very genius Host

, thought of something that might turn this boring hour into something that is filled with action, fun, and adrenaline rush!

let's use these military gears and this toy guns that shoots paintball to play cooperative shooting game

, there will be two groups: Terrorist and Counter-terrorist, and we'll also need few hostages,

Everyone should play these just for fun, and don't hurt each other, just use these toy guns to 'kill" the enemy,

If you are hit by the paintball, it means you're dead, so shall we begin!?!
Kajiura: sure~ I'll join this, and I shall be part of the Terrorists...