Sword Art Online (SAO: P)

The random lingering shots on Sinon's legs/breasts/ass are pretty distasteful!

The music during Sinon's climb was pretty cool.

Mid-air point-blank sniper execution was goddamn hilarious, bullet-from-the-ethernet-port dethroned as goofiest moment (this season, so far).

The bit with Sinon's player shaking reminded me of a short comic by Douman Seiman (Comet Naruna), but I guess there's not actually any twist with her and she was just shaking from adrenaline?
the bgms were really bland. I invite everyone to have a go on the new stuff on hanako to anne though :)
I liked these three.

- bass, guitar, sampled vocals (?) bgm
- bgm with drums, accoustic piano
- REMI BGM with e.guitar!!! (starts 17:10)

There sure is a lot of ambiance, though. Which reminds that George predicted it was going to be like this, hue.
I loved that new song! (And of course the other one, but the new one... :goodjob::w00t::love: The new music was good, liked the violin melody that played in the beginning, and Sinon flying through the air was pretty cool. I am kind of liking this season, it looks like Kirito will finally make an appearance in the game next episode? Can anyone record that new REMI track? Please? Will love them forever. heh
I have no hope on this anime and the ost, because apparently Kajiura is even more interested in Aldnoah Zero rather than this. Agree with Fetucine, the useless shots on Sinon's body are distasteful.
^ If its like that I wonder why she didnt accepted to compose for Aldnoah Zero instead, (or at least put more efford on the OP). So far Aldnoah Zero indeed seems more interesting.

(but I guarantee sao will improve too, these 2 eps were introductory)
^But she just did the theme to that while she is doing the music to SAO. But yes, I agree it still has room for improvement, hopefully not all of it will be the slow bullet style like in The Matrix. heh (Though I did find it interesting how they showed the lock onto Sinon's gun when he had the minigun locked on to it. That was a new way of showing that.) And thanks so much for the recording! I hope for more tracks like this!
Actually I didnt record it, I downloaded the episode, converted it to Mp3 and the cropped the audio with audacity and voila! :)
Honestly I'm not feeling anything for these BGMs. Maybe I should really quit Kajiura. :|
I think it is mostly the fact that Kajiura doesn't find SAO interesting. Hanako and Anne showed that when given the right material, Kajiura can still be inspired. It's just a matter of picking he right projects
Well, SAO got downright ridiculous after the first season, so I can't blame her for it. The second season was the biggest mess ever, so much second hand embarassment. This one is more decent, at least it's less cliched... Still, I hate harem anime, so I was very disappointed when the novel turned into that ewww. GGO is a bit better about it though, maybe because most of the former characters don't show up at all haha
the bgms this episode weren't bad. they were definately a step up from last season. Unfortunately, I was dissapointed by the new REMI song or rather, I wasn't blown away by what I heard. Luckily, I'm betting it will be a case similar to luminous sword where the full version will really end up selling the song. one thing that bothered me a little was the fact that REMI sounded a too much like hanae. I'm all for Yuki working with new vocalists but I don't see the point if they end up sounding this identical.
^ I can recognise Remi, herr voice is a bit softer than Hanae's, the only case where they really sound similar is the when a filter like in Heavenly Blue is used.

GGO is a bit better about it though, maybe because most of the former characters don't show up at all haha

Haha then for your happiness, I tell you that in all SAO novels starting with this, the "harem" is just for some short moments, and they dont appear much. But if you think about it, there was never really a harem, since, in season 1, Kirito met every other girl before he meats Asuna, and he never thought of them as lovers, it was only one - sided (and in Silica's case it was only a sempai admiration), and same goes for the sister.
I guess I meant to say that I wish kajiura would use REMI's voice in a way that's not so reminiscent of Hanae. The song she sang this episode could have easily been sung by Hanae. I love REMI's voice but a lot of the songs kajiura has written for her had me hearing Eri or Hanae
I still like it, but with another listen, it does sound like absolute configuration a bit, while that song is amazing, this one is a bit repetitive. Anyways, I agree with waiting for the full version. I hope they play more of it later on, unless that really is going to be all of it. I do want more like that string melody in the beginning.