My review, I just copied from george and replaced with my thoughts.
Disc 1

welcome to this world: This one reminded me of Stargate SG-1 music or Hunger Games actually. I like it.

death game: Why are there two versions of this song? I have two songs of the same name. Is this true with everyone’s ? In any case I like them. They have that ominous presence to them. Like someone is waiting in the shadows ready to pounce. I know it’s the announcement of the game, but still. There’s that sound effect that she likes to use in Kalafina songs. Heh

tiny love ~ harp: It’s nice, yes. Kind of sleep inducing.

friendly feelings piano only & at our parting vc only: Kind of blah. I like friendly feelings, but this version seems lacking, and so does at our parting, which I really did not care for to begin with.

Disc 2

like in the glass: I like it, but I like she is still sleeping more as a piano song.

in this world: This also reminds me of Stargate. Or of a dessert. Seems like it should have fit Arslan better (yes, I know it was a different composer, but still).

swordbreaking land: I don’t really like it. I mean, I am kind of with Grunty about the theme. It’s overused. I am sure it was the director, and maybe this was an attempt at making it “different” but it’s a version that I don’t like either.

in this cruel land: I really like this too! Even though it has the theme in it, it is better than the previous track. I love Celtic songs, and this is no exception.

Disc 3

goodbye again and again ~noisy : Not much to say as I did not really care for the original. It’s okay, but not the best piano song.

think tenderly of you ~Mbox ver: Really sweet. Makes me think of a little girl opening her music box by the window and then it starts to snow. That’s the image I get… I get images when listening to Yuki songs a lot.

Disc 4:

running of crisis: Another Arabian style song. Or Middle Eastern, whatever you want to call it. I do like these songs, but I don’t like that guitar screeching in the background.

run, run, run away: I like this a lot too, also makes me want to dance. It is repetitive, sure, and probably could have been shorter. It’s like a continuation of Fight! Or actually reminds me of painful #2 from Fate and some of the Xenosaga songs and slipstream from Tsubasa. heh

moon and shadows:You already know I love this song. Actually I was listening to it today, and then I started humming the bridge of Gogatsu no Mahou. I just close my eyes while listening to this and think this is the Kajiura I fell in love with. Such a nice track. Like I said before I wish it was in the live BD that came with the set, but maybe it will be in the Live #13. It would be nice live even though there aren’t that many vocals. I love the violin, I wish the flute was a real flute though. But it kind of reminds me of Zelda. heh

you are not alone Ag.Guit ver: Not much to say. Kind of boring actually.

cold and wind: I don’t really like it. I am sure my dad would, I should play it for him. Heh It’s a little too loud I guess. I think the title should have been different, maybe something like wind and flame? I don’t know.

you are not alone ~piano ver.: It’s okay, better than the guitar version, but not much to say here either.

Overall the new tracks were good, especially moon and shadow for me, and in this cruel land and in this world. I also liked welcome to this world. And on the pitch differences. Wow… it is notably different on she is still sleeping, climbing up the world tree an a new world of faeries. I listened to the others too but did not play them back to back with the other version. Glad it’s fixed in this collection. I like both versions of she is still sleeping actually, since it’s one of my favorite songs from here. I do like the series, I get why people don’t, and it’s kind of one of those “are you a bad person for liking such a depressing story?” kind of thing, kind of like Madoka since it’s depressing as well. I don’t really care for the theme all that much, but I just crack up every time because of that video with the “coffee soda, give me coffee!” lol
moon and shadows:You already know I love this song. Actually I was listening to it today, and then I started humming the bridge of Gogatsu no Mahou.
Me too, it really has a similar melody :)

Live performances of vocal tracks seems really cluttered with many vocals participating. Still liking luminous sword from vol.10
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well, this live's star tracks are Tonky live but especially she has to overcome her fear.

I really don't like cd ver of she has to overcome her fear, I think it's just random beats and REMI singing along randomly. This live ver has really improved the song. of course it may be just that Yuriko's presence made the song a bit more interesting for me :) no seriously REMI's extra part, violin and guitar, Yuriko and others made a big difference imo.

I don't care much about other tracks, they literally lack energy (i.e. both singing and playing).
I agree. It gives the impression that "she has to overcome her fear" was like that when YK made it but director asked it to be shorter so it turned into the OST ver. :ayashii:
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the Yuki Kajiura message included in the scans, as translated by @yuki.n

アニメーション「ソードアート・ ォシライン」の為に書かせて頂いた音楽の数々を一つに集め、こうして改めて皆様に聞いて頂けるというのはとても幸福な事だと思っております。キリト君を始めとする個性に溢れた登場人物達が、まさに縦横無尽に駆け回り飛び回る多彩な世界。少しだけ一緒に旅をしているような気持ちになりながら、その遍歴を音楽で彩らせて頂くというのは本当に心躍る体験でした。まだまだこの先も続いて行くであろうキリト君の冒険に、今後も音楽という形で少しだけお付き合いさせて頂ければな、と祈るばかりです。

I gathered one by one the pieces of music that I had the honor to write for the sake of the "Sword Art Online" animation, and by doing this I am very happy that everyone can listen to them again. It is a multi-colored world where characters overflowing with individuality, starting with Kirito-kun, are certainly running and flying around. While getting a feeling like traveling together a little bit, the fact that I had the honor to color this pilgrimage with music is truly a physical experience that makes my heart pound. Kirito kun's adventure will probably still continue after this point, and I can only pray that, from now on too, I'll have the honor to be associated with it a little bit with the shape of music.
emm, well, I know is an old post, but I want to know if anyone has any link to download the tracks of the live in mp3??
Out of the blue I just thought of searching for Yuki Kajiura in iTunes with the prior knowledge that only US and EU have the releases of her 2 albums (FICTION and FICTION II) and expect that there are no valid results, but lo and behold:


Good guy Aniplex. Although they still haven't announced that the OST can be purchased digitally. Can someone check whether the OST is available in their country, or in Spotify? In the US page for Yuki, it is still her two albums though.