According to Puella Wiki, Quamombrem is that BGM we heard in the first Drama CD. I gotta give that to your credit, Sony.

Cor Destructum and Cubilulum Album are scene-driven SFX, but tey're good at it as George said.
Taenia Memoriae and Quamombrem are sweet piano pieces, and Confessio is indeed reminiscent of some Noir or Madlax songs. Long awaited by me despite its simple nature.

Numquam Vincar surpassed my expectations, because in the anime onlythe intro was clear enough, and I certainly didn't see the upbeat part coming plus the guitar solo coming. I suspected it to be a highlight, but it's one if the definite bests of the OST.
Surgam Identidem - pure awesome. Nothing more to add.
Nux Walpurgis - so trollish considering we expected Surgam Identidem to have this title.

A masterpiece most clearly outlining Homura's tragedy. And you may laugh, but THIS track is actually where I can compare the mood to The Lion King OST. Check out the final part of "To die for" (the post-stampede scene in the movie) for reference.

Sagitta Luminis - majestic beyond belief. Whoever doesn't like it are free to do so, but I didn't imagine a slow orchestral piece to maje my spine tingle as much as A Song of Storm and Fire, Contractor and Credens Justitiam usually do. Maybe the impresion of the context plays its part, too - it is an excellent tribute to a girl who stood up to defy the horror she faced for the sake of others, giving up her human existence in the process, becoming THE magical girl and justifying her status as the titular character. Godoka theme? YMMV. Madoka Kaname anthem? Definitely. And Yuki did a fantastic job on that.

Simposium Magarum - one of the most awaited gems in the whole OST, and worth the wait even despite lasting half as long now. The tragedy of two embittered, outburned and disillusioned souls falling prey to the system couldn't sound any stronger.

May these two's afterlives be as much of a nice dream as possible...
Pergo Pugnare - a gentle yet elating piece. It was a decisive finale BGM in ep 12 and would have easily reprised the role here if not for a certain DDR track...
Concerning Deboussi's track, it's very nice, although my favourite insert here is still Rachmaninov's Vocalise (never mind that I can't remember its number

Now, to sum up all three volumes, take the cream of my choice and see how this would hold water as a one-cour (i.e., one CD) OST it really was supposed to be. Skipping inserts and accepting the fact that tracks like Cor Destructum would have likely found themselves overboard

). Of course, I'm going by my own ratings, so the following playlist is as IMHO as it may seem...
1. Sis Puella Magica!
2. Salvae, Terrae Magicae
3. Gradus Prohibitus
4. Credens Justitiam
5. Postmeridie
6. Puella in Somnio
7. Terror Adhaerens
8. Pugna cum Maga
9. Decretum
10. Agmen Clientum
11. Venari Strigas
12. Amicae Carae Meae
13. Incertus
14. Pugna Infinita
15. Numquam Vincar
16. Surgam Identidem
17. Confessio
18. Sagitta Luminis
19. Nux Walpurgis
20. Taenia Memoriae
21. Simposium Magarum
22. Pergo Pugnare
The hypothetical official playlist would most certainly differ both in arrangement and contents (something tells me that Desiderium, Scaena Felix and Inevitabilis would have a bigger chance of being included, while Confessio would have a lesser one... Oh, and there'd probably be OP/ED tv-sizes, too

). And everyone's welcomed to disagree and make their own playlist.

But it still seems like we're up to a dozen and a half damn good pieces here. So, while Madoka Magica doesn't have to be liked by everyone and claimed ZA BESUTO, it seems light years away from being an unsuccessful work. Both Petite Cossette and Aquarian Age were packed just as rich.

Though it's up to you whether to choose Petite Cossettte for comparison, since that amount of tracks was for a 3 part OVA, not a 12 episode series.