Okay, my impressions~
Numquam vincar - Guitar is awesome, but a tad loud. Can't say the same for the solo, though!

This seems to have similar manic drumming to Destination Unknown in places...I'd bet that Kajiura-sensei is going to use that a lot in her future works. The strings melody is nice, but the guitar stands out the most for me.
Quamobrem - Velveteen Rabbit was my first thought, or TWFS...one of those standard piano pieces. I like it, but the chord progression is uncomfortably familiar...
Cor destructum - Reminds me of a KnK piece from one of the early Music Collection tracks, or a theme for the Twilight Realm from Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's a little too ambient and vague for me.
Surgam identidem - The drums are interesting, and the melody is good. Yuri Kasahara seems to be mixed too far back for some reason, and her vibrato doesn't help things either. (I like her faster, more action-oriented songs better for some reason.)
Confessio - I like it! The electric piano is very moody and atmospheric. For some reason this makes me think of the Noir OST
Sagitta luminis - The opening reminds me of Symphonia or one of the RHH OST2 opening themes. Nice to have the oboe + harp combo. The melody is pretty and gentle. Actually, it reminds me of one of those instrumental Seventh Heaven things from the KnK OST...
Nux Walpurgis - Not bad. I was about to say that some KnK songs are much better, but then the slower strings melody hit me
Although I don't like Yuri Kasahara's part very much. It reminds me too much of one of her RHH OST1 parts, although I can't remember what.
Cubilulum album - More early KnK. Creepy...
Taenia memoriae - I basically feel the same about this as I do about Quamobrem
La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin - Just what I thought it'd be

I think if it was played by Konno-san, I'd enjoy it more...for some reason, Kido Kiyo's style doesn't appeal to me.
Symposium magarum - Oh, reminds me a lot of Magician from the KnK OST! Very classical-sounding too...
if Kajiura-sensei does more tracks like this in the future, I'll be completely thrilled
Pergo pugnare - For some reason, this makes me think of the solo Hanae part from Everything, Not Nothing. Again, it's very KnK, although that's not a bad thing at all.
Connect -Game Instrumental- -
I would've definitely preferred a piano arrangement of Connect or Magia. Why does the album end with a happy little synth thing like this??