Lol! Yukia, we;ve been having these issues since befoe you got here,
Infinity, that guy really seems to have a crush on you! :bwahaha:
Btw, Luv the background! :aww:
Lugh, here it is. Now..i've written in parenthesis what sexual orientation
i trink they are, just to avoid confusion. Hope it's ok. When i didn't know..well...i left it blanc...pls correct me!!
George - Male (str8)
Yatta - Male (unknown prefference...)
Nick - Male...(looks str8 to me)
Ayashii - ...Male i guess.. (gay)
Theo - Male (idem Nick)
Daichi - Male (gay i guess)
Zuiyon - Male (str8) (sorry Zu!)
Kerahna - Female (
Kowz - Male (....dunno...)
Chibi-Chibi - Female but wishes she weren't (gay)
tinba - Male (dunno)
ladyluthien - Female and seems to be happy with it :)
aetriess - Female. It can be certified by her fience (str8)
Midori - Female cyborg (str8 i suppose)
J.Uzuki - Male (str8)
Yukia Rei - Female
InfinityEX - Male
Pion - Male (gay)