Ok, thanks ! 

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.11 elemental Tour 2014 ~ FictionJunction DVD tokuten pictures
You probably can tell that I've been kind of busy lately. This will probably continue for a while. :(
But I thought I'll post this up anyway since it's really short. :)
My friend in Japan has received the FictionJunction DVD tokuten that I asked her to help me mail away for. :) It was a little troublesome and we had to deal with some hiccups but in the end it all worked out well.
I asked her if she'll kindly shoot a photo of it and she shot three. Obviously, I haven't seen it since it's still in Japan. I also didn't want to trouble her, so there are no photos of the DVD itself. I won't be able to pick this up from her till February next year :( For now, I will have to be content with three photos of it, one of which is actually a photo of the envelope it came in. :P
Looking at the list of lives they covered in this extra making-of DVD, it looks like the Taiwan live is included. :) This should make Taiwanese fans happy too. :)
They probably won't^ Thanks, I haven't heard from CD Japan yet about receiving the DVD.
Neither I did from FromJapan.^ Thanks, I haven't heard from CD Japan yet about receiving the DVD.