I finally just got elemental last month, and I am completely flabbergasted by it for two very specific reasons:
1. Yuriko Kaida: Yuki Kajiura has completely pushed her to the background. Yes, songs where Kaida does the chorus are BEAUTIFUL, she has a great chorus voice. But she also has a great lead voice too. She proves that in songs like himitsu and here we stand in the morning dew. It simply amazes me that Yuki Kajiura has pushed her to the background in every single song, so much so that if you were to replace Kaori with Hikaru in this album, elemental basically becomes a Kalafina album, because the formula is exactly the same. And that's just bogus! Kaida has been with Kajiura from the very beginning (earlier than the other girls to my limited knowledge) and for her to not give Kaida 1 or 2 songs where she is the lead is very...... crappy to me. The only rationale I can offer is that maybe there are more personal issues as to why Kajiura has reduced her involvement. Maybe Kaida hasn't been participating as much as the other women, maybe there's personality friction, maybe she's going through some heavy life events and can't make as many rehearsals, I don't know. It's the only way I can justify why I can barely make out Kaida's voice in any one of these songs, not even for a single stanza.
2. The new songs on the album are so lackluster. They are very un-Kajiura like in their blandness. If I were to listen to elemental or storytelling and not know that it was Kajiura, I would have just pushed them to the side and never listened to them again. They are absolutely nothing special. And gaika is really really boring. I was reading through some of the earlier pages of this thread and people seem to agree with this. Storm is one of the best songs on the album, but if you hear the original from mai-Otome, it's so much better. The acoustic guitar is such a better choice for it, giving it a great flavor. That's the thing about this album: instrumentation was always Kajiura's strong suit, but it's so bland on this album. It's just a watered-down J-pop girl band now. It doesn't hold the depth that so many of Kajiura's other songs hold. It's just so Meh, that it kind of disturbs me. Yuki Kajiura should be at her most vital right now, but this album scares me, it's like she's losing grip.
She's probably just doing too many projects at once. I'm sure that whatever comes out next will make up for this lost time. And it doesn't mean I'm still not listening to this album on loop, I am a die-hard Kajiura fan after all, and after the disappointment settles, the album has been able to grow on me a bit.