New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Finally able to post the picture I took:

On Air France, currently availiable are Perfume, Ayumi and... Babymetal :ghost:
But no Kajiura at all...
With our flight to Vegas we had to pay for everything, even a small bottle of water was not given. You had to pay with a credit card too. I know you had to pay for the tv service but I am not sure about the music. But probably. Things are getting more expensive in America. But that is awesome about Elemental on the flight!
Since the thread was talking about music on planes, nothing much of interest on Air China. BoA's newest album was about it.
Thanks Kug; Great price for the book! Unfortunately, with KAORI being the way she was in the live DVD, I'm not sure I'd want this product.

Last thing I need is stank face on paper.
Oh thanks Kuga!

By the way - just a random thought. I believe KAORI was looking like misery during this LIVE possibly because she was still recovering from her, at the time, recent chin-shaving operation.
@Atlas Star - although it's confusing having two different YK Live vol.#11 videos and concert books/pamphets, I was only talking about the pamphlet for the FictionJunction YUUKA "Live book".
Oh thanks Kuga!

By the way - just a random thought. I believe KAORI was looking like misery during this LIVE possibly because she was still recovering from her, at the time, recent chin-shaving operation.

What chin shaving ? Has she menthioned such a thing (source) or its just your imagination ?
Also for the comment on your previous post, nobody forces you to buy the book, so there's no need to complain so much about Kaori.
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Oh thanks Kuga!

By the way - just a random thought. I believe KAORI was looking like misery during this LIVE possibly because she was still recovering from her, at the time, recent chin-shaving operation.

Misery? Huh? Why do you think that? vol #11 was 2014 right? I never got that impression from her. Hmm...
@george1234 my source? My eyes. I mean just look at her chin compared to Vol 2. And I'm just stating an observation. ._. Isn't this a forum?

@StarCloud compared to the live videos of vol 2,4,9, she looked unlively in 11. Emotionless, perhaps even angry.