New Fate/Stay Night by ufotable

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This is true, KnGnN was probably their best overall single since... er. Actually I don't know. Maybe Storia? It's just really good. Misterioso isn't anything special but the title track and Tsuioku are both absolutely great. KnGnN fully restored any lost faith I had after Alleluia and Hikari Furu singles (although I've warmed to both of those since, sans Mirai) just for Heavenly Blue to throw up warning flags again.
grunty: Ah, I see, I just meant that it seems like more of her bgms are more like it than Kala songs.

George: thanks. I am no longer confused, and really looking forward to it, since I liked the first F/SN and F/Zero (of course more so because of Yuki's music.)
^But I thought it was going to be the first ending theme? So that means it should be for all episodes after the first one right? I mean, since usually now they put the theme at the end of the 1st episode for animes, which is a little weird to me still. (Guess I'm so used to how it was heh) Or do you mean that we just won't hear a sample of it or anything until then?
^ no, what they do is that in the first episode they use the OP as ending theme, to avoid getting you spoiled about the characters, so the normal ED appears for the first time at the end of 2nd episode. I dont know if they will preview it or not, we will see :) Its all about marketing. If Magia was shown in the 1st or 2nd ep of Madoka nobody would have hyped when the 3rd ended XD
We got Magia before the OP in Madoka. :P

... but ya, using the OP as an ending for the first episode is standard practice. Be it for spoiler or time-constraint reasons.
I won't be surprised if george posts "why do you have to contradict all my posts/opinions, grunty?" after this lol :XD:

I'm sorry I just can't help myself.

Anyway yeah what george and grunty said regarding the ED is true.
lol dont worry, this time it was normal :) and yes I had forgot they were regularly airing the OP in Madoka, the Magia thing was just an example of marketing reasons :P
In fact I think Magia is the first thing you hear in Madoka aside from sound effects. It's just Madoka's footsteps and breathing, the door opening then sudden Magia blast.
Well yea, but we mean as an actual ending theme. if Im not wrong in first episode it wasnt menthioned if it was Magia or a bgm
Yeah, I was saying that now how it's that way, but when animes like The Slayers came out, they played the theme right away, even in the newer ones. But you knew the characters already, but still. I think the theme does not really give away the characters as you say. But it does give away the ending theme, which sometimes people skip because it's at the end of the show. (I usually watch it a little bit to see if I like the song at least.) The only one where they've spoiled characters that "died" in an ending theme was Gundam Seed I believe, since they had them upside down and those were the ones who died. (Sorry if I just spoiled something.) But maybe we won't get that in this show, since we already know the characters pretty well? Would be nice to hear the theme and ending theme right away.
The themes can also spoil the style of the anime, by its music style and mostly the lyrics.
You might not be understanding them right away, but the japanese do.
Japan pre-airing events

TVアニメ『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』世界同時先行上映イベント -Holy Grail's call- 開催決定!

<開催日時>  ※3会場同日同時間の開催となります
  2014年9月28日(日) 開演17時00分
  先行上映、関係者挨拶 ※来場者特典付き
  ○東京会場:新宿バルト9 (Pコード:553-509)
  ○大阪会場:梅田ブルク7 (Pコード:553-510)
  ○徳島会場:ufotable CINEMA (Pコード:553-511)
  全席指定:2,000円 ※来場者特典付き
  ■ 申込受付期間:9月13日(土)11:00A M - 9月19日(金)11:00A M
  ■ 抽選結果発表:9月19日(金)夕方
   ※ チケットのお申込は、お一人様1枚までとさせていただきます。
   ※ 前売券からのお引換は出来ません。ご注意ください。
   ※ チケット当選後の変更・払戻は出来ません。予めご了承ください。
   ※ プレリザーブとは、事前のお申し込みの後、チケットを購入できるサービスです。
   ※ 必ずしも優先的に良いお席をご用意するものではありません。
   ※ お申込多数の場合は抽選にて当選者を決定します。(先着順ではありません)
   ※ お申込は受付期間中ならいつでもOK。(メンテナンス時間をのぞく)
   チケットぴあのお店 営業時間 10:00~20:00【営業時間は店舗によって異なります】
   サークルK・サンクス 営業時間 朝5:30~深夜2:00【発売初日は10:00~】
   セブンーイレブン 営業時間 0:00~24:00【発売初日は10:00~】
   音声自動応答 TEL:0570-02-9999 
   TEL:0570-02-9111 または までお願い致します。


Octomber Newtype magazine to feature Fate Stay Night

本日発売のNewtype10月号・コンプティーク10月号にて「Fate/stay night」が掲載!
本日9月10日発売の月刊Newtype10月号・月刊コンプティーク10月号にて「Fate/stay night」特集が掲載されています!


Premieres and simulcast announcement found in the japanese site

TV Series 『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』will make a worldwide release!

It has confirmed that the highly anticipated anime series,『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』, will see a worldwide release. Worldwide Premier Screening Event named “-Holy Grail's call-” has been confirmed to take place at 7 cities around the world on the September 28th prior to its first airing in Japan.
The event will be held at Tokyo, Osaka, Tokushima in Japan, Los Angeles in the United States, Paris in France, Nurnberg in Germany, and Seoul in Korea.

Details of World Premiere:
   Date:September 28th, Sunday 13:00PM
   Location:Los Angeles・Downtown Independent
   Date:September 28th, Sunday 11:00AM
   Date:September 28th, Sunday 13:00PM
   Date:September 28th, Sunday 19:00PM
   Location:Seoul・Megabox Dongdaemun

Also, 『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』will begin its worldwide simulcast from October 4th, as same airing date as in Japan.
The specific date, time will be anncouned from each platform at a later date.

 ○English spoken territories:
   At "Hulu", "Crunchyroll"
 ○French spoken territories (France・Switzerland・Belgique・Algeria・Principality of Monaco・Republic of Tunisia・Canada, (Quebec)):
   At “Wakanim
 ○German spoken territories (Germany・Switzerland・Grand Duchy of Luxembourg・The Republic of Austria・Poland); 
   At “Peppermint.TV
   At CableTV「Aniplus」
※Please note that above platforms will not be available from Japan