Madoka Magica movies

^ i think they hide their face just they wanted to.

Maybe they want to avoid fans recognized them in public plases, so they can do their daily lives normally
HimeWakana...your signature...It's absolutely marvelous.

Also, I'm thrilled the movies are opening in Singapore, although I had thought was that they might be screening it at Anime Festival Asia, which has Madoka as a "featured anime" (they still haven't explained exactly what that means though...)

I think... the movies have a brand new OST? I am interested.

Plus more of the new Magia and a Kalafina arrange of Credens justitiam (Mirai?) at the end.
Thanks grunty.

Did anyone else hear some weird chanting towards the end? It sounded like "YETTE YETTE YETTE".

Kowz said:
Did anyone else hear some weird chanting towards the end? It sounded like "YETTE YETTE YETTE".
Yes, acapela version before Magia (and its new intro) and then with music but it doesn't fit to Magia, lol...
I don't know if the vocals are by Fion but it sounds pretty creepy..
Also more new vocals in 1:02 by REMI? Or by Yuriko?
I think... the movies have a brand new OST? I am interested.

Yeah, definitely some new tracks I hear, including the one during Elsa Maria fight :sohappy: The voice actually sounded like Yuri Kasahara to me, but with Yuriko and REMI having shown the ability to pull off similar vocals, I'd rather refrain from making guesses :XD:

And I already reacted to Mirai in the other thread, with my fanboy mode to the max :ohoho: :shy: :XD: Seriouly, this has made my day.

Now, let Hikari Furu be an epic ballad, and this will make for a TOTALLY EPIC single. :plot:
Mirai (Credens justitiam) or Credens justitiam (Mirai) :ohoho:
It's looking like... as Yuki got the idea to create Mirai:
Already afternoon and Kalafina has done everything for today...
Yuki goes for coffee:

Keiko: Hurrah! Go Go Go to freedom! *jump, jump, jump...* :sohappy:
Wakana: I'm hungry, I want to eat a lot of yummy!

Hikaru: Sleep, sleep, sleep...

Kalafina: while Kajiura-san did not see us run faster even faster :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Yuki: What?! :glower: Wait!
enters the room Eri and not give pass for Kalafina: And here I am, let's record a song

Yuki: Itou-san now will definitely not record a song with you ... :knife:
*to Kalafina*
:voodoo: watch to me!
now we will to record a new song - Mirai!
Keiko: :uh..:
Wakana: :omg:


Kalafina: :plz:


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From 4chan

1) This is where I'm giving the most credit. Kajiura has once again done a magnificent job. I just can’t imagine the Madoka universe anymore without her works.
2) There are a number of new soundtracks; including the other two of which I haven't even heard so far. There are three -so far as I’ve counted- newly rearranged Sis Puella Magica(the main theme), two for Conturbatio(the Sayaka theme); one of those is a vocal version and played during the Sayaka vs Elsa Maria. It sounds something like an aria -like one from opera-makes the scene even more tragic. It is so heart breaking.
3) Credens Justitiam also has got a vocal version, definitely by Kalafina. You can assume how much Shaft cares about Mami.
4) The Homura vs Charlotte battle has got a new soundtrack, as well as the scene where Sayaka turns into a witch ;_; If you prefer Decretum, you might be a bit disappointed, although the new soundtrack is just as amazing.
5) EVEN WITCHES HAVE GOT THEIR OWN THEME SOUNDTRACK. Both Charlotte and Television-chan. the Charlotte theme is pretty nice. You can hardly wait for the release of the new soundtrack. I think there is one for Elsa Maria as well, but not sure if it was just the vocal version of Conturbatio which I have just mentioned above.
6) The ending theme is the movie arrange of Magia, at the full length. The new ending animation is, put it simply, an extended version of the original TV one, featuring silhouettes of several unknown magical girls before those of the main characters appear in the way like they did in the original one.