^ It should be "BB" (bebe) aka Charlotte (the witch for which is "wo ist die kase?" theme music) - its sort of a pet in this movie 

劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編]叛逆の物語【完全生産限定版】 [Blu-ray]
劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編]叛逆の物語【通常版】[Blu-ray]
劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編]叛逆の物語【通常版】[DVD]
●劇場版公開記念 2時間でわかる!大ヒットアニメ『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』
Sites are reporting that the movie BD/DVD release will be on the 2nd of April.
As for the abuse of the main theme in the movie, Kajiura and the sound director has given reasons as to why they reused that theme so much in an interview in the LisAni magazine from months back.
I heard that there were multiple fan-translations, some of which actually weren't too mind-bogglingly awful? Though I also heard that one of them translated majuu as "bad influence", so... there's that. Then again I also heard that the official subs translated that same term as "wraiths" on one occasion and "demons" on another. Now, I don't think either of those are too bad translations (though my preference leans heavily towards "wraiths" myself) but srsly, can we get some consistency?Hatouchan said:Note to those watching the camrip: The translation is laughably bad.
Sites are reporting that the movie BD/DVD release will be on the 2nd of April.
OST is included. The releases will come with English subs.
* Bonus BD disc containing the 2-hour TV special narrated by Saito Chiwa (Homura), which did a recap of the first two films as well as a look back on the series and it’s popularity.
As I can remember, in the movie shown in Canada, they translated "majoo" (Those ghostly things that the magical girls fight with in God Madoka's world) as "wraith", and they translated "akuma" (referring to Homura after she took the god power from Madoka) as "demon". BTW, I remember that the engsub of TV series that I watched also translates "majoo" as "demon". I guess that the official may have been translated "majoo" as "demon" until the term "akuma" appeared in this movie. So they changed the translation of "majoo" to "wraith" and kept the word "demon" for "akuma", but there's still some confusion...Lord Starfish said:Then again I also heard that the official subs translated that same term as "wraiths" on one occasion and "demons" on another. Now, I don't think either of those are too bad translations (though my preference leans heavily towards "wraiths" myself) but srsly, can we get some consistency?
What I heard (mind you, I saw this movie in Japanese theaters and so naturally I had no subs at all) was thatKagaribi no Hanabira said:As I can remember, in the movie shown in Canada, they translated "majoo" (Those ghostly things that the magical girls fight with in God Madoka's world) as "wraith", and they translated "akuma" (referring to Homura after she took the god power from Madoka) as "demon". BTW, I remember that the engsub of TV series that I watched also translates "majoo" as "demon". I guess that the official may have been translated "majoo" as "demon" until the term "akuma" appeared in this movie. So they changed the translation of "majoo" to "wraith" and kept the word "demon" for "akuma", but there's still some confusion...Lord Starfish said:Then again I also heard that the official subs translated that same term as "wraiths" on one occasion and "demons" on another. Now, I don't think either of those are too bad translations (though my preference leans heavily towards "wraiths" myself) but srsly, can we get some consistency?.
It being a sequel that doesn't really do too good a job of bringing new viewers up to speed about what's going on is one problem, yes... But honestly, I don't think any of the Madoka-movies are really Oscar-material. And this is coming from someone who considers the TV-series to be the best anime he's ever seen. As for why...No idea why they tried to push Rebellion. The first movie would've at least made sense to someone unfamiliar with the franchise.
Granted, it's near impossible anyway. The aesthetic is just too "cutesy" and Japanese. Despite Madoka's excellent storytelling, I think it's better enjoyed if you are familiar with magical girl conventions and how Madoka deconstructs them. To be fair, lots of people disagree with me and see its worth simply as a classic tragedy.