what i understood out of it was that homura became this powerful because her original wish was never fulfilled at the end of the movie. it was to protect madoka (at all costs), right?
when madoka became god, homura's wish was never fulfilled because she views madoka making a wish as a "bad end", therefore she never protected her in her POV. when homura was trapped inside that isolation barrier, it paralleled how she trapped madoka inside her alternate timelines -- the latter gave madoka the power to become god, so why couldn't this barrier give homura the power to become the devil?
by keeping madoka human, madoka would never be able to make a wish, therefore keeping her "happiness" and safety (from kyubey).
idk what i'm even typing now lmao i'm so confused.
i guess that's why the movie is called "rebellion". because it's homura rebelling against the law of god in order to rewrite the universe, right?
so it feels like the theme of this is.... what? hope vs love -- selflessness versus selfishness.... it completely goes against the eventual theme of the series, and i'm not completely sure whether i like that or not OTL. just like how madoka was a deconstruction of the magical girl series, this movie was a deconstruction of the deconstruction.

but you know.... magia's lyrics make even more disturbing sense now, right....?
also kimi no gin no niwa. when that was playing at the end i was so creeped out. like wtf. mood dissonance indeed...
btw, i hate how they translated it to call her "demon", though. devil would've been much more fitting imo
and personally, i hated sayaka's character in this. it just felt so out of character (OOC). although everybody in the theater cheered when she was all rabu rabu to kyouko lol. on that note, now i'm starting to like madohomu. dat super-magnified angst, yo.
also... BASED HOMU/MAMI GUNFIGHT. that was pretty epic (although the heavy breathing at the end of the scene was kinda.... off-putting, lmao.
another side note: i almost cried at the part where homura and madoka talk and homura cries at the end while madoka was trying to braid her hair lol. i'm pretty sure a lot of people in the theater were just as affected, based on the convo of the people who came out of the theater's room lol...