Can't believe I missed that one post but....
I did only say KEIKO having many offers but sure.....
Besides her continuation in FJ, her solo career without Kajiura has mostly been unremarkable
Subjective, I think Keiko has the best discography out of the 3 not because of the quality of each track but Keiko can carry the songs without dreading each track to have vocal shitstains(The fact that someone has a problem even though it is a studio song says a lot). Never liked when someone piercing my ears when singing -shiiiii -niiii -iii like a banshee. One person carrying her songs while the other 2 being carried by their music. Pick your poison.
despite signing on with Avex. Keiko has only 3 good tracks out of her entire discography - post-Kalafina, all of her highlights were her FJ solos. Having essentially a FJ Keiko project for this is very much in the right direction.
This is too obvious, she took a flexible contract that won't interfere with Kajiura lives. Both parties agreed/signed. Keiko is happy. Done. Can't say that same to that other one and let's not talk that trainwreck of a solo career of the other like a dog tuck her tail then come crying to her momma(might sign to highway star but idc). Mediocre albums? maybe but....
Honestly, Wakana has the best solo career, but that wasn't all that surprising. Staying with Spacecraft gives her access to their funding, which means much more opportunities for tours, concerts, TV appearances and exposure.
Okay I need to state it first, Fictionjunction Music is a separate company. Now...
No? financially/longevity wise Keiko has the best career road. You said spacecraft as if FJM didn't offer Keiko those you mentioned. Avex gave her those "mediocre" albums? Low budget spending. Now I mentioned FJM is a separate company.
FJM is offering KEIKO to sing for her lives. They don't need to spend so much for Keiko cause Keiko is being offered to sing lmao. There's no need for avex to spend manpower/money to hire staffs/logistics for Keiko cause another company is there to pay her while other singers needed to spend so much for lives even if not sold-out lol. In addition,
more opportunities for tours, concerts, TV appearances and exposure
ASIA tour+ the
sacra music invitation in Germany+
Youtube covers/videos+
ANIME TIE-INS for KEIKO. The only difference from Wakana that I see from others is her multiple radio appearances but let's not kid ourselves those are mostly paid by spacecraft.
Flag was extremely successful for Wakana
gacha game+the near-anime but not tie-in to Wakana because her fans delusioned themselves thinking of Kalafina? Imagine comparing this to Yuriko song in FGO, a well-known gacha game lol.
Speaking of exposure,
Satoshi Takebe is the composer of this ghibli movie 2020. He's the producer of Wakana. Wakana LOVES ghibli. Does not invite her to sing the theme song