Kalafina's 17th single "Ring your Bell"

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even know it's not available worldwide...
She probably does, but I expect it'll be Sony's decision more than hers.
One or two people pointed it out to her on Twitter from what I've seen so far, but I've yet to meet a songwriter who doesn't want people to hear their stuff. It's just SME being idiots again, but that's hardly out of the ordinary! :voodoo:
I kind of really don't like the song for now. They are really starting to sound exactly like FJ. I miss their older singles.
The Kajiurago bridge is beautiful. Staying up for it last night was worth it. As is going through the trouble to set up my sound card. It's still not the full song but it's two-thirds at least.

One or two people pointed it out to her on Twitter from what I've seen so far, but I've yet to meet a songwriter who doesn't want people to hear their stuff. It's just SME being idiots again, but that's hardly out of the ordinary! :voodoo:
smth smth distribution rights smth smth. It's not within Kajiura's control.
Not that it makes it any better. Most of Japan is that obtuse. Not just Sony. Flying dog is the only one who doesn't give a shit about anything or how many of their work is uploaded for free on the net.
^ Yeah, the amount of control that artists have (or not) is something I hear about quite frequently - it's out of their hands around the mastering stage and they have to trust the management from that point on. Slowdive recently mentioned that they had one of their albums reissued, but the statement read "We didn't have any input into this release, and only found out ourselves via Twitter." :omgz:

In SME's case though (and many of the other labels, although SME are particularly heavy-handed when it comes to Youtube ban-hammers and such) they'll continue to operate under the blissful illusion that it's still the 1990s for as long as they can ignore how much it's costing them. *insert the Futurama "shut up and take my money!" meme pic here*
+1 for the Kajiurago
I guess the radio rip from the broadcast is better than the leaked live version.

Full song would be 5 minutes?
Wakana is stealing my heart both in song and PV .
I really don't like how Hikaru and Wakana sing like they're reading some sort of poem or smth in the studio version. It bothers me a lot because it sounds like they're singing it without legato and it sounds really awkward. I'm pretty sure Wakana also sings the bridge alongside Yuriko maybe or it's all Wakana because there's a sharp breathing sound that is so Wakana.

tldr: the song's melody is quite nice, it's the singing that bothers me a lot.
Trying my hardest not to watch the short music video just yet; would love to be so hyped over the single when it arrives! XD
For now, shall be contented with the TV size from Fate/stay night. It is really, really growing on me. Catching myself humming it every single time :love:
@ritardando The bridge chorus after Wakana's "ring your bell" is all Yuriko in the high parts IMHO. If Wakana's included then she's mixed in a way that she doesn't even matter, lol. There's not a single thing about this song that I like.
Is there anything about anything that you like, grunty? I swear its been years since I saw you post anything positive about anything.

Bridge sounds great. Finally ordered a copy last night too :goodjob:.