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alarictay said:
Got my tickets! HEHEH first row! middle section >:D
*tickets sale is not out, but i had some connections :D :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: *

/me want :comeback:

I only want to see Kalafina. I like the other artist esp. KOTOKO and Flow but...but...but.. my budget this year is very tight :blood:
Which day will they perform? (i want tot see them so badly... I even dream about them in the event.... they're not wearing any make up :XD: )
I want to see both Kalafina and FLOW.. Don't care about the others... :cry:
Crossing my fingers and praying that Kalafina and KOTOKO are on the day...but if not, then oh well. Kalafina is enough for me! :ohoho:

alarictay said:
Got my tickets! HEHEH first row! middle section >:D
*tickets sale is not out, but i had some connections :D :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: *

/me want too :comeback:

Which ticket did you get? The free standing or VIP seating?

I hope we'll get more info soon cause I pretty much only want to watch Kalafina (and I don't have a lot of money right now T_T)

alarictay said:
Got my tickets! HEHEH first row! middle section >:D
*tickets sale is not out, but i had some connections :D :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: *

So fast? /jealous

Connect me to your connections :comeback: Not that I've confirmed whether I can even go or not :spotlight: But yeah, I'd at least be interested to know which day they're performing ^_^
Oky firstly, even though i had some connections, but it was only for ticket purchasing :uh..:
i asked the my friend (who helped me get the tickets) and she says that even their department isn't informed about the schedule for the concert :XD:
Infact, AFA2012 hasn't even issued them the event guide for the whole event :omg:
yeah...so i'm not even sure myself... :blood:
Which ticket did you get? The free standing or VIP seating?
i got the VIP, first row XD
Well about the pricing, someone asked earlier :ayashii:
i would say its really much cheaper
During AFA2011 last year, i bought my VIP ticket for 1 day concert
for about $140 (currency in Singapore money)
This year for AFA2012, after doing the coversion
for a 2 day concert i'm paying about $120, its like nearly 50% discount
So i guess we expect the merchandise to be at least 30% cheaper
(I frequently Malaysia for holidays and stuff is really cheaper there)
Yup soo i guess it's time to safe money for the event cause, things are gonna be cheap *HAVE TO GET HATSUNE MIKU T-SHIRT!!! sold out last year on the first day... :uh..:
Wow. The ticket price (2 days) is almost the same as the airplane ticket to and from there. :omg:

Well, it's not a big problem for once in a lifetime event. I hope I can make it there this year..

alarictay said:
Got my tickets! HEHEH first row! middle section >:D
*tickets sale is not out, but i had some connections :D :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: *


Share with me ur connections or else :knife:

Jk :comeback: but i really want the tickets for both days
alarictay said:
i got the VIP, first row XD

/me want~~~~~ :omg:

Oh ya, I want to buy only 1 day VIP concert ticket for two (since I drag my husband along I guess I have to buy for him too XD)… can I go either day of the concert or the ticket will be dated?
Anyone know?
Facebook update:
Special Announcement!
AFA Malaysia Super Anisong Genki Live!!
Artist Line Up and Performance Dates:

DAY 1 - 09.06.12 (SAT)
Maon Kurosaki

DAY 2 - 10.06.12 (SUN)

Ticket sales details coming up shortly!
Have to buy 2 days ticket...
And just to see one artist performing on each day.. :vortex:
:orz: Kalafina and KOTOKO on different days...

Just day 1 for me then :cry:
^ Yep, even for just a part-time holiday job... :psst:

/me well aware of the sheer impossibility... :rain:
And here I just realized that this year AFA is on June..and most likely I won't get it there, because of my job :omg:
^ :leaf: *pat pat*

Well, there's still the Singapore one in November to look forward to... :sparkleguy:
Though a part of me now wonders if they are willing to make multiple trips within the same year for the same event... :spotlight:
Don't know, maybe I can get 3 days off...But June til August is like, hell months for me :cry:

Yeah, I doubt that too although if they're willing to go to singapore, I'll definitely choose to go there... :XD: