After listening to both the A and B sides again, I can't help but think that the arrangements are more 'stripped down' in that the instrumentation's very minimalist. There's none of the textured background sound effects and the HUGE REVERB that's on SH and RM.
I don't mean this in a bad way because they're still really fun songs, but both of them - moonfesta itself especially - sound like jams or spin-offs from the Hikari no Senritsu recording sessions. There's that same jaunty folksy vibe that the rest of the Kalafina discography doesn't have.
It's certainly different, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm not sure if it's Yuki trying out new things or whether it's simply a case of "I needed to write a song with a different 'feel' and atmosphere, so I altered the signature style accordingly." I'm having a lot of fun listening to it and analysing it, but how it'll sit with everything else I've no idea!
I've always thought that Hikari no Senritsu belonged on AE and Magia belonged on RM, so I guess the overall vibe of the next record is impossible to predict, even for the people involved in it.
I must admit that moonfesta made me think "meh" at first, but after a couple of extra listens I've grown to appreciate it. The same can be said of After Eden really!