Kalafina "Magia" 2011/02/16

adore and Gloria actually :sparkleguy:

edit: And Serenato. [is interlude 01 a B-Side?

:uh..: [goes research-mode]

I COULD SWEAR THAT fairytale's B-SIDE WAS seventh heaven :ohoho:

Orthopedic off topic? :P
I prefer ARIA, oh, that's A-side... then Kimi ga... It's b-side? oblivious has 2 b-side or 3 a-side?? ヽ(゚○゚ ;ヽ)三(ノ; ゚□゚)ノ
Rafael-sama said:
^ sprinter ~magic mix~ :ohoho:
I want! :ohoho:
Re: Re:

Kazado said:
Orthopedic off topic? :P
I prefer ARIA, oh, that's A-side... then Kimi ga... It's b-side? oblivious has 2 b-side or 3 a-side?? ヽ(゚○゚ ;ヽ)三(ノ; ゚□゚)ノ
Rafael-sama said:
^ sprinter ~magic mix~ :ohoho:
I want! :ohoho:

xD I guess both Kizuato and Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku are B-sides.
Kalafina in 4th place made me surprised and so happy when I went to the oricon place this morning... :sohappy: ..(It became the website that I must go first everytime when I open my computer..lol.)

And my friends are Kpop fans too, even they who loved Kalafina too. While for me, Kpop is all of Kpop songs have the same beat (upbeat music with dances.
Let's listen to and outstream one like Norazo..lol. (Well..I know that you mentioned their mainstream. :XD: ) For me..K-pop doesn't have their own outstanding characteristic to be called as a K-pop genre..(why I think that J-pop has.) it's just a mix of ballad/hiphop/dance...three mains existing genres..and just insert rap part in almost every kind of songs even Rock or ballad music!! :blood:

I swear that I couldn't differentiate K-pop&the present Western music song if that K-pop song lyrics is English.. Their music style is just the same as the world's mainstream... There are some good K-pop singers but their songs....= =...well...tend to make me sleepy... (I'm feel better with some dance songs..at least it's a kind of songs for dancing, not mainly for singing.) That's why I wanna see some of them sing Jap. song instead like when I fell in love with Lena Park's voice when she sang for Gonzo's Romeo&Juliet :knife: .

But the best B-side title still belongs to "adore"
I vote for Aria..lol...Isn't it B-side of Sprinter..:confu: and if you count Kizuato as b-side...I love it too..

Am I the only one who adores adore? :ohoho: :XD:

I guess both sprinter and ARIA are A-sides. :uh..:

Since the single was called sprinter/ARIA :XD:
Delicious off topics again, might as well fuel them: Utsukushisa & lirica for best b-sides.
yay go Kalafina :3 #4 is a new milestone placing.

on the subject of the horribadness of modern pop singers around the world, i just heard Ke$ha's new singer "blow" today on the radio... :blood:

i turned the damm thing off and played magia on my stereo :P

also, Lirica for best B-side

grunty said:
Delicious off topics again, might as well fuel them: Utsukushisa & lirica for best b-sides.
+1. Utsukushisa and lirica is the best b-sides for me. and adore too.
Topic went to b-sides? LOL
Then for me it's snow falling. Next would be lirica.
I don't think Kimi ga .... and Kizuato are b-sides. But if they are, Kimi ga Hikari...is my favorite b-side.
^ nice! :sohappy:

@ storia: You sound as if its a new song :@_@:

(I will update the live events section with the new setlist tomorrow because I have an exam tommorow morning and need to study now)

Yuki88 said:
^ beats me. save it for 3rd album, probably? :stars:

Animate's report on today's in-store event:http://www.animate.tv/news/details.php?id=1298216715


March 2009, March 2010, Not March 2011 :omg: