Kalafina in Budokan 28 February - 01 March 2015

At least we get a B2 poster for the broke who can only buy one and for the supporting store secondaries :comeback:

Nooo I want that box! *sigh* I am already asking my parents for the Blu-rays for an early Christmas present. Grrr, why can't CDJ have this stuff too? Hopefully the postcards and mouse pads will become available later though.

I would use FromJapan to order from Animate, if only I didn't like the discounts from Amazon...
But which one is better, box or poster... I'm more drawn to the poster...
So confused :confu::waa:
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@Kirito Damn, why am I a poor student? :comeback:

Haha me too, I've pre-ordered both DVDs (want the Blu-rays sooo bad but can't afford) :cry:
I've used up to the last penny in my saving account (and borrowed some more money from my mom) to get them. :wet:

By the way I can't wait 'til the day I have those DVDs in my hands (with that bonus poster too) :dote:
But before that, I have to take a national exam (and have to get good results or my mom's gonna...). Damn it!:wai:
Really hope CDJ get the poster. It sounds like they should, but there's no listing on the site yet. Box does look really nice though.

Going to be a good day when it all arrives though, hopefully the poster, both BDs, Kalafina Record and the new Mushishi artbook :plz:.
Really hope CDJ get the poster. It sounds like they should, but there's no listing on the site yet. Box does look really nice though.

Going to be a good day when it all arrives though, hopefully the poster, both BDs, Kalafina Record and the new Mushishi artbook :plz:.
Neo wing (cdj) is listed for the poster.

I think I'll pick mine up from animate when I head to Japan for the Orchard Hall special in July.
Okay, since the box is more important than the poster for me (my walls are already full of it... and I want to collect only album promo posters), I just sent an email to CDJapan to cancel my order at them (hopefully I only order one of both Blurays so far). If they agree to, then I'll buy both Blurays from Animate through FromJapan + maybe the Budōkan photobook. :plz:
^ Thanks for sharing!

I wonder what kind of pose/dance move are they doing at 0:05 and for what song. It looks kinda ridiculous. I like choreography (like Namie Amuro's concerts), but not Kalafina's, for some reason.
^ I think it's because Kalafina song aura doesn't suit choreography (imo) …. lol I would be perfectly okay with them just singing, but then again other people might find that boring.
I was originally thinking of only the bluray for Blue Day, but I might just end up splurging and getting both. :desksweat:
You can now see that Kaladansu in full high definition glory.


Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
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:XD: their dancing is priceless. i kinda wished they keep their tetotetometome choreography from Red Moon DVD (yes I like it) but this new choreography seems ridiculously cute. Anw unlike most people I'm prioritising on getting the Red DVD first.
Wow! What a dance :XD:I didn't except such choreography from Kalafina. But it's interesting. I can't wait for Budokan release! Believe here sound here very good
^ Is it really?! I thought it was Believe too. :swt:

If I remember correctly, it is in tetotemetome.

Hmm, that probably would be my first song choice for that move to belong to. Thanks for letting me know.

I agree with ritardando. I kinda liked the choreography for that song in the Red Moon DVD, but I'll wait to see the full thing (the leg lift I think is the weird part for me) Lol @ Hikaru's face

@shiro: I think that might be it. I mean I do like some of their choreography, but imo more often than not the moves don't fit the song's aura or it looks not natural.
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