Kalafina in Budokan 28 February - 01 March 2015

Wow, both covers are surprisingly symmetrical! And what a coincidence that even the poses (Waka and Hika) for both are really similar XD
Liked the cover art so much that I had to make a wallpaper out of it. :V:
Added the signatures to give it a more 'personal' touch.


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That is real nice. Only thing I'd change is to make the A and the F completely one colour if possible, having it cut off at odd points looks a little jarring.

Still using it, though.
That is real nice. Only thing I'd change is to make the A and the F completely one colour if possible, having it cut off at odd points looks a little jarring.

Still using it, though.
*fixed. :innocent:Didn't even notice till you pointed it out, so thanks. ^.^
@Kirito Ty so much^^ I'm already using it.

I'm still uncertain on which live I should get. I've also tried to make a sort of list where I've marked the songs I love and the ones I don't care much but it wasn't of any help. Damn, why am I a poor student? :comeback:
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lol I like the covers, they seem a little patriotic? lol Maybe not the right word. I love the blue dresses a lot more than the red to be honest. But I love the three different colored dresses the best, hopefully they'll be pics of those in the booklets. And these I like better than the other covers for the lives since Red Moon's, since I liked that one too.
^ Maybe "excited" ? These movements arent done only by patriots, but also football fanatics when there's a goal to the other team and fan of artists doiung concert etc :)
Those covers are really nice, and I was honestly expecting a crappy cover like the last DVD's we've had.

As for the tracklists... I definitely like Blue's more, I get to see performances of songs that we've hardly seen performed before (signal, Hanataba, Kimi no Gin no niwa kinda, snow falling, I have a dream, sprinter, HANATABA)
But at least in Red I'll get to watch Kagayaku and Hikari Furu. Yay yay.

but believe. twice. seriously?
Ohh, I like those covers. Look a lot less cluttered than the Consolation live cover for example.

And I only hoped one version of Believe would be cut because a) it's a duplicate and b) it's a shit song. That space could've been used for RYB on Red instead, which I still don't get why it's cut since it was announced before the live release was.
You're assuming they were cut because of space. If that were the case, they could have cut MCs like they always have. If cutting MCs was not enough, they could make the documentary extras shorter. Unless you're telling me either of those are more important than the main event itself? It's not a space issue. No point blaming the song. They could cut RYB, fotw and one version of believe too. Why would you want that? You're just getting one less song for the same price. If you don't like it, press next.

As I've said, no two live performances are the same. I would rather they let me decide which version is better.
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^ especially considering that believe is in diffferent parts of the setlist between the 2 days. On blue day its in the encore, while on red near the start, so with this we can actually test the "Wakana got tired from the many songs" argument, since she will obviously not be in the red day one. Also there's reason why they performed it twice: Its because it was their recent single (they had just announced RyB) so they needed to sing it no matter what.
Lol, looks like everyone is ok with the duplicate 'ongaku' XDD

Just like what u guys said to that 'believe' thing, Im also wondering which live ver is better. Afterall, its Kalafina's first Budokan release so lets just support them and respect the decision of that damn SME. XDD
Already pre-ordered both on Blu-ray!!! ^^ Just miffed that they decided to throw out 'far on the water' and ryb. Does Kajiura not like 'progressive'? I notice that's the only a-side missing.
^Did not notice that. I really like that song, and ongaku, to be honest.

True, ongaku has been sung in almost every large live that they have, but it's because it's such an upbeat and "get the crowd going" song. I actually liked it at ACen. And listen to it regularly. But I like Believe, it's much different than HB because of Hikaru's "heavy" part in that, which I don't like. Yes, Wakana's parts sounds similar, but they are different songs. Believe is better than HB in my opinion. I think I like RyB the best out of the three of them, so I was a little sad when they cut it. And really sad about far on the water, but it is an unreleased song, so maybe they'll at least release the videos of those too after their new album comes out? I would hope so.
Tokuten info released! :dote::w00t:


Kalafina 『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』 購入特典が決定!! (対象店舗:アニメイト、ソフマップ、とらのあな、Kalafina応援店)


7月15日発売となる『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』購入特典が決定致しました!

以下対象店舗にて『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』をご購入頂きますと先着で購入特典をプレゼント致します!以下、内容とそれぞれ対象店舗の購入方法をご確認の上お求めください。また、先着特典となり、なくなり次第終了となりますのでお早めにご予約ください♪







■アニメイト全店・・・ Kalafina 『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』Blu-rayスペシャル収納BOX

※『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』 “Red Day” “Blue Day”それぞれのBlu-ray版(SEXL-62/SEXL-63)1枚ずつ計2枚を一度のお会計で同時購入頂いた方に、先着で差し上げております。DVD版は対象外となりますので、DVD版の特典に関しては、以下の【Kalafina応援店】よりご確認ください。


■ソフマップ映像ソフト取り扱い店舗(ドットコム含む)・・・ Kalafina 『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』オリジナルマウスパッド

※『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』の“Red Day”のDVD(SEBL-194)もしくはBlu-ray(SEXL-62)のいずれか1枚と、“Blue Day” のDVD(SEBL-195)、Blu-ray(SEXL-63)のいずれか1枚、計2枚を一度のお会計で同時購入頂いた方に、先着で差し上げております。


■とらのあな全店(秋葉原店A/C除く)・・・Kalafina『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』オリジナルポストカード

※『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』の“Red Day”のDVD(SEBL-194)もしくはBlu-ray(SEXL-62)のいずれか1枚と、“Blue Day” のDVD(SEBL-195)、Blu-ray(SEXL-63)のいずれか1枚、計2枚を一度のお会計で同時購入頂いた方に、先着で差し上げております。


■Kalafina応援店・・・Kalafina『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』オリジナルB2ポスター

※『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day” “Blue Day” at日本武道館』“Red Day”のDVD(SEBL-194)、Blu-ray(SEXL-62)、“Blue Day”のDVD(SEBL-195)、Blu-ray(SEXL-63)のいずれか1枚を、以下Kalafina応援店でご購入頂いた方に、先着で差し上げております。Kalafina応援店一覧は以下よりご確認くださいませ。




アニメイト全店(こちらのKalafina応援店特典に関しては、“Red Day” “Blue Day”のそれぞれのDVD版のみが対象となります。)







タワーレコード 仙台パルコ店


ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア AKIBA


タワーレコード 新宿店

タワーレコード 渋谷店

タワーレコード 秋葉原店

タワーレコード 池袋店

タワーレコード 町田店


ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 横浜


タワーレコード 名古屋パルコ店


ディスクピア 日本橋店

ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 梅田

タワーレコード 梅田大阪マルビル店

タワーレコード 梅田NU茶屋町店

タワーレコード 難波店


Sony Music Shop




Summary of previous post:
  • Animate - Blu-ray special storage box (only if Red and Blue Day are bought at the same time); for DVD orders, customers will get supporting store tokuten
  • Sofmap (.com) - original mousepad; will get if you buy DVD and Blu-ray/2 Blu-rays/2 DVDs of both days
  • Toranoana (except Akihabara stores A and C) - original postcard; same condition as above
  • Supporting stores - original B2 poster; need to buy only one DVD/BD, but will get no more than one

Damn you Sony :voodoo:

Sorry, misunderstood at first XD
Well, that was confusing @_@
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Nooo I want that box! *sigh* I am already asking my parents for the Blu-rays for an early Christmas present. Grrr, why can't CDJ have this stuff too? Hopefully the postcards and mouse pads will become available later though.