Kalafina in Budokan 28 February - 01 March 2015

The contents from HMV http://www.hmv.co.jp/fl/10/1304/1/
It looks like "ring your bell" and "far on the water"will not be contained.

Well, if ryb gets cut, then so would Keiko's daisuki for the ladies. That was a part of the MC about ryb/fsn. It's okay. I have Keiko's daisuki forever etched in my heart.
DAMMIT SONY! Are there no depths to which your evil may sink?!! Is nothing sacred?!! :stupidtable::stupidbox::voodoo:

Ah well. I'm just happy that we're getting a release at all *coughKajifescough :sohappy: Already ordered both Red and Blue days. :ohoho: NO REGRETS! If only July was tomorrow though :stars: :stars:
hahaha, right!

I suppose they will be move the ring your bell and far on water to 5th album DVD + BD to make it more desirable. Speaking of next album I hope they dont do PV for FoW but for the title song

Haha, dunno if anyone noticed, but the BD/DVDs for this release exctly one year and 1 day after the best-of albums
July 16, 2014 ---> July 15, 2015
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^But they have yet to do that. (I was picturing such a cool PV for Red Moon, though we did get that in the ttb PV. heh)

Ugh, so they were cut. Oh well, I still want them! It's their first time in Budokan anyways! Plus, on the Blu-rays and dvds they can tweak the sound so it sounds better. I mean, I am sure the sound was okay, but even they can't predict all problems. I know ACen started off bad even though the place was known for the best acoustics, so it must have been the speakers. But that's what I am trying to say.
Saving up for the DVDs, so annoyed far on the water and RYB aren't included, will still buy them though.

Will they ever release these dvds with those two performance? Maybe in the near future perhaps? If they do the, I guess ill save up my money for later, no point buying dem dvds now if the complete set list will be rereleased later. Thy shan't underestimate the cash binging nature of sme
they will never include them whole if they didnt now. Most possible scenario is: these now, RyB and FotW in 5th album as extra on DVD BD, in some years Blue & Red in 1 case (as flyingdog did for vol#4)
I doubt they'll ever rerelease them just to add two songs. Anyway, they did that for vol.4 bc it hadn't been released as blu-ray. These are already being released as both versions
Source: http://www.kalafina.jp/info/
Official setlist for BD Red day, complete with MC info


1. prelude~misterioso

2. テトテトメトメ

3. fantasia

4. ~MC01~

5. Lacrimosa

6. 輝く空の静寂には


8. believe

9. moonfesta~ムーンフェスタ~

10. neverending

11. ひかりふる

12. 光の旋律

13. when the fairy tale ends(「空の境界」Sound Trackより)

14. fairytale

15. oblivious

16. Kyrie

17. consolation

18. 音楽


20. 夢の大地


21. overture~Eden

22. 胸の行方

23. ~MC03~

24. アレルヤ

特典映像 Document of Japan Expo 2014 in Paris

Blue day


1. overture~storia

2. love come down


4. 夏の林檎

5. I have a dream

6. seventh heaven

7. 未来

8. 花束

9. 君の銀の庭

10. 満天

11. to the beginning

12. ~Numquam vincar~(「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」Sound Trackより)

13. Magia[quattro]

14. destination unknown

15. signal

16. 音楽

17. heavenly blue

18. ~MC02~

19. snow falling

20. symphonia


21. overture~red moon

22. believe

23. ~MC03~

24. sprinter


The Document of LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red Day” & “Blue Day” at日本武道館

As we feared, no ryb or fotw. And so, the respective MCs for those have been cut. This means no daisuki from kei-chan. Orz

Looking forward to the documentary for the budokan live.

As usual, choice of cover photo is weird.

I am of the opinion that no two lives are the same. INCLUDE THEM ALLLLLLLLL. Why would anyone hope for them to cut songs out... 理不尽


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YES for MCs!!!

Doubles NOs for no ryb and far on the water
and duplicate believe's

@ Hatouchan: Thank you!!

How do you attach files ? I have tried by pressing "media" but it tells me "enter media url" what if its not an url but you have in your desktop ?
Finally, a nice cover for the BDs. How hard is it to make something look elegant and uncluttered (though the skeumorphic wood frame doesn't fit with the rest of the design).

Still sad ring your bell and far on the water are cut. I really like these two songs too, and would've loved to see a "proper live" of these songs.
haha okay :XD:

i think its funny how they count MC's as tracks, but on the other side its understandable since, if the BD menu has chapters you will be able to jump to them directly
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Source: http://www.kalafina.jp/info/
Official setlist for BD Red day, complete with MC info
View attachment 4779

Blue day
View attachment 4780

I am of the opinion that no two lives are the same. INCLUDE THEM ALLLLLLLLL. Why would anyone hope for them to cut songs out... 理不尽

Ohh, I like those covers. Look a lot less cluttered than the Consolation live cover for example.

And I only hoped one version of Believe would be cut because a) it's a duplicate and b) it's a shit song. That space could've been used for RYB on Red instead, which I still don't get why it's cut since it was announced before the live release was.