Kalafina in Budokan 28 February - 01 March 2015

What does everyone here think of Budokan. I've never been there before, but I have heard the obvious feedback saying that the sound isn't good there. It's not a proper concert hall after all. Is it worth going to Japan for this?
I read in Wikipedia that artists that perform at the Budokan tend to release recordings of the concert. So I'm guessing the chances of a blu ray release are pretty high.

Weren't the LisAni Lives 3 and 4 performed on Budokan?
Weren't the LisAni Lives 3 and 4 performed on Budokan?
One man lives or individual lives wise. Big joint events are normal. But to hold your own live at budokan is usually like a dream come true for artists.

Sound wise, the complaints have always been there, even for Lisani. I think I'd enjoy myself nonetheless. Can't be worse than the crap speakers at AFA11SG.
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I think Hikaru explained it also in the Washikazi thing? The secret agent interview thing with the red frog and rain boots incident :XD:
point me in the direction of this Washikazi thing PLEASE
Do you guys think that other musicians will be secret guests?
I feel like it's kinda lame that this is going to be their biggest concert yet, and it's just going to be them and the usual FBM. I would expect at least Rie Akagi. And considering how most of their recent songs have strings instead of individual string instruments, I would also expect a quartet.

◆Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day”“Blue Day”ファンクラブ2次抽選チケット受付決定!◆

Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red Day” 日本武道館
2015年2月28日(土)開場16:00 開演17:00

Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Blue Day” 日本武道館
2015年3月1日(日)開場15:00 開演16:00

<Support Member> Guitar:是永巧一、Drums:佐藤強一、Bass:高橋“Jr.”知治、Violin:今野 均、Keyboards:櫻田泰啓、Manipulator:大平佳男、他

全席指定 \7,800(税込)
2日間通し券 \14,600(税込)



2014年9月6日(土)12:00~9月15日(月・祝)23:59 ※期間内24時間受付可

2014年9月17日(水)15:00~9月21日(日)23:00 ※期間内24時間受付可




こちらの先行はメール(***FJC info***)、HPのみでのご案内です。

こちらのファンクラブ2次抽選チケット受付の対象は、 郵便振替、ローソン店頭Loppi・ローチケ.comから 2014年8月31日(日)までにご入会いただいた方となります。
This is their biggest concert yet? Based on what you guys have said about their lives before it's obviously going to be 'good', or 'extraordinarily bad' :XD:

I'm not taking the comment back you know it's true :knife:
This is their biggest concert yet? Based on what you guys have said about their lives before it's obviously going to be 'good', or 'extraordinarily bad' :XD:

I'm not taking the comment back you know it's true :knife:

They've never been 'extraordinarily bad'. OK I haven't seen every release ever, but I've seen numerous live performances and only a few of them are what I'd consider 'bad'. Most cases where something is significantly off have been after doing long periods of promotions and other touring beforehand I've noticed, that one studio live of Oblivious and Storia recently and Consolation Special Final release has the worst instances I'd say, both of which were at the end or near-end of months of media or live appearances.

Unless there's something I'm missing, there aren't many performances or appearances planned between now and then so they should be at least relatively well rested and thus be on good form.
This is their biggest concert yet? Based on what you guys have said about their lives before it's obviously going to be 'good', or 'extraordinarily bad' :XD:

I'm not taking the comment back you know it's true :knife:

From what i have seen, on the 4 recorded concerts, they perform well, especially when the musicians are on stage with them.
And i think they are working hard for this two concerts !
Just remenber the good no the bad