Kalafina Club on bayfm78

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Kalafina Club :w00t:

Wakana! Winning streak, 3rd row! :w00t:

Some talk about their events (bayfm78 one USJ live) and Kalafina bible. :tea:
^ It's a corner in Kalafina Club, in which listener will send mail talking about their habits... or asking the girls about habitual things :XD:
Uh, I hope I didn't miss the entry period for the contest...I haven't sent in my entry yet. :leaf:
Kalafina Club 2011.05.17 :desksweat:

didn't actually pay attention when listening to it, but I got to hear that instead of playing tennis, Wakana played Badminton. :XD:
^ I only played badminton... and swimming plus a bit volleyball and basketball :XD:
I used to play badminton but I've never played tennis in my life :blood:
I seem to remember playing badminton with a friend years ago, but I think most of our time was spent trying to untangle the net so we could actually set it up :ohoho:

And I've never played tennis :V:
Kalafina Club 2011.05.24 :tea:

Hikaru won! Finally, after a long time :XD:

They announced the winner of the Golden Week contest... too bad they didn't sing anyway :rain:
And some girls talk about their previous Disneyland visit :XD:
^ Thanks! :bow:

I never submitted my entry into the contest for some reason :XD:

Do you know which song it was? I was going to suggest Viva La Vida by Coldplay.
^ I will I did :V:

Head-bang suru Kalafina :XD:

But I think I missed something :spotlight: I heard some of the finalists, I heard that 'shizuka na gohan' thing, I heard more of the finalists, and then they did a break and started talking about Disneyland. :confu:
Oh God, I'm just listening to it with more atention, I one of the suggested songs were Deep Purple's Burn!! The guy said to be a heavy metal/hard rock fan, and wanted to sse Kalafina shouting and headbanging. XD And Wakana sang the guitar riff of the song, so cute :XD:

I just forgot all the especulation about Animax Musix. I want them to cover this! :ohoho:
Awesome job on putting forward that "cooking show" idea, tsubasa! :goodjob:

(Yo, Yuki-chan! Weren't we discussing this on Soup the other day? :XD: )

And LOL, Wakana practices the same method as Yuuka when it comes to relieving stress -> chopping and peeling vegetables. Makes me really want to see how Wakana fares in this considering that she does tons of cooking (And whether she can match up to Yuuka's lightning speed in chopping long veggies. Seriously, don't mess with Yuuka when she's stressed and holding a big knife). :ohoho:
Since I suck when it comes to direct translations (my English sentences always end up sounding wonky), is it all right if I do a point-by-point summary instead? ^__^
You're Tokumei Tsubasa (Anonymous Tsubasa), right? If you are, here goes...
- Wakana said about your name, "Even though this person is "anonymous", she has a name. Nice! Nice!"
- You sent your first mail in English, this time a friend of yours translated and rewrote your mail in Japanese. Japanese isn't the mother tongue of your friend so there may be grammatical mistakes and apologizes for it.
- Lately, there have been many delicious photos of food on Kalafina's blog. Question: "If there's a cooking show (with Kalafina appearing on it), what would you like to do on it? What type of dishes would you like to make? It would be fun if Kalafina appears on a cooking show (lol)."
- Continued support for the girls' activities from now on.
- PS. "I love Magia very much!"

Er... Kindly double check this with your mail and apologies from me if I made it sound weird. Comprehension is all right with me but never translation. :XD:

Btw, just to confirm with you, is it translate your mail from Japanese to English or translate what the girls commented about the cooking show? I kinda have a feeling I might have misunderstood something (like I always do). :confu: