/\ Either way would be fine with me; I'll be happy with anything like Magnolia, Kyrie, Mata Kaze ga, or Lirica.
Anyway, I'm incredibly intrigued by these new titles, especially Consolation, al fine, and Obbligato; they sound more like they could be Seventh Heaven-y, or ballads like sandpiper (perhaps Kotonoha or Haru wa Kogane).
I'm not sure what to expect out of Door or Signal, and certainly not Hanataba or Kichigo no shigemi ni... .

I'm not so sure about Yume no Daichi, though, as it didn't seem so amazing in the video from the show, and I am not really happy about Moonfesta either, though I knew it would be here.
I've never liked that song.
As for sound, the past few singles seem to be straddling the line between Red Moon and After Eden in terms of sound and style, though I personally would prefer the result to be more of the former, like to the beginning and Manten, or even more of the ethereal, otherworldly persuasion. However, I do understand if the idea is to keep them more live performance-suitable.
*I just hope that any rock songs don't have (or have more interesting) guitar solos, which Kajiura-san seems almost contractually obligated to put in at this point, and draw out the songs too much for me when half of the album has them.
On the whole, I'm really excited for this album.
And I wonder what the color scheme will be...