Kalafina 4th album “Consolation”

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Hatouchan said:
How is the quality of the videos released so far for the nico studio live and talk stream?

I'd like to know if there is any demand for a high(er?) quality video (assuming the current ones aren't that clear), being premium member and all, I grabbed a rip using RTMP via Kakoroku. It grabbed the full 2 hour block though, so there is 20 mins of nothing but the placard that I will need to remove. Prior to removing those 20 mins, the entire thing is slightly less than 798MB. I even have the comments which you can replay using himaplayer if you so desire.

I believe it's 704x396 29.97fps [Video], MP3 44100Hz stereo 192kbps [Audio]

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Got my copy today... :dote: . I'm quite disappointed with the photobook...I know that they made the photos blurry&grainy&dark on purpose, but I don't like it..:(. Will upload the pics later.
Long Interview here

This one's interesting...

That's nice. SO I guess we'll be expecting MORE old song/compositions performed by Kalafina
Ah. Well, here it is in 4 parts. I hope it's better than what is already out there.
Consolation talk and studio live part: 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4

I didn't remove the front 20mins because otherwise the comments wouldn't sync properly.
It's not because I'm too lazy to remove it or anything like that! Really, it's not!!. *denies vehemently*
So, please skip past the first 20 mins.

And here's the video that was up on nico douga of the live part only.

I'll post a quick translation/summary of the more interesting parts soon.
Is it okay to post it here, or should I head elsewhere...?

Hatouchan said:
Ah. Well, here it is in 4 parts. I hope it's better than what is already out there.
Consolation talk and studio live part: 1, 2, 3, 4

I didn't remove the front 20mins because otherwise the comments wouldn't sync properly.
It's not because I'm too lazy to remove it or anything like that! Really, it's not!!. *denies vehemently*
So, please skip past the first 20 mins.

And here's the video that was up on nico douga of the live part only.

I'll post a quick translation/summary of the more interesting parts soon.
Is it okay to post it here, or should I head elsewhere...?

mediafire blocked parts 1,3 and 4 :(

Still, thanks for your efforts!
Ah. It was fine for a bit. I'll see what I can do.

Here we go, let me know if there are any problems.
1, 2, 3, 4

The internet tells me there is a way of getting restricted files.
Use this. Select all 4 files and save them to "My Files" on your mediafire account. Now that you "own" them, you can download them.

Could someone please test this method?
It's been so long since the last time I was here. Here's my review on the new album listed according to my favoritism.

1. al fine

--> It portrays Kalafina image very well, the music being slightly orchestra due to the strings used and Kalafina girls' voices overlapping each others. Brings back the old Kara no Kyoukai Kalafina instead of the new Kalafina. The song is very soothing and magical. Since the duration of the song is short, I think this song is somewhat an interlude or intro to the album... with Kalafina singing "consolation" at the end of this song.

2. Consolation

--> This song totally ROCKS! It's the combination of my 4 favorite music genres - soprano, opera, rock and orchestra. Hikaru is awesome with her deep and rockish voice. I'm not so sure if she actually sang the Kajiurago/Latin parts. Wakana blends in well with the whole song but her voice is too different from the Kara no Kyoukai Wakana (why do I keep comparing old and new Kalafina). So I'm not sure if she change her singing technique or what. Keiko is harmonizing the song as usual, though I wish she had gotten more part in this song because her voice fit this kind of song very well. A dark song... All in all, this song is like a mix of Kalafina and Eri Ito. :ohoho:

3. Signal

--> I really love Hikaru's parts. Wakana is mysterious. Keiko just fit right in with Hikaru. This song really have the Ongaku feel, at a much faster pace though.

4. Kiichigo no Shijemi ni

--> The piano intro (first three notes) of this song is similar to Kugatsu. Though many says it resembles Gloria, I think it resembles Kugatsu. Wakana did well to make this song sound sad and lonely. On second thought, Wakana did sound something like she was in Gloria. :confu:

5. Door

--> This song is calm and soothing... very much like a lullaby... Honestly I have to say the tune of this song reminds me of another Chinese lullaby very similar to this song. I'm referring to Wakana and Hikaru's parts. It's very quiet and calm yet enjoyable.

6. Obbligato

--> Oooo I love the guitar jam in this song. Plus Hikaru and Keiko's dark voices and Wakana's (or is it Yuriko's?) soprano voice in this song.

7. Yume no Daichi

--> Very fairy tale like and sweet. Something like Symphonia from the way it is sung. And how it ended as well. What I love most is the Kajiurago.

8. Hanataba

--> My least favorite song. Maybe it's the accordion. Sounds kind of annoying.

.: All in all, the whole Consolation album is very much like the dark version of After Eden.

Hatouchan said:
Ah. It was fine for a bit. I'll see what I can do.

Here we go, let me know if there are any problems.
1, 2, 3, 4

The internet tells me there is a way of getting restricted files.
Use this. Select all 4 files and save them to "My Files" on your mediafire account. Now that you "own" them, you can download them.

Could someone please test this method?

Worked for me~


Hatouchan said:
Ah. It was fine for a bit. I'll see what I can do.

Here we go, let me know if there are any problems.
1, 2, 3, 4

The internet tells me there is a way of getting restricted files.
Use this. Select all 4 files and save them to "My Files" on your mediafire account. Now that you "own" them, you can download them.

Could someone please test this method?

YESYESYES :sohappy: thanks loads!
@ zepthesis you seem to be new. We have our own translations here viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4116

The reason why that site had them faster than us on the site is because I was busy with other things that blocked me from uploading the lyrics, but I started yesterday they will be all up within the next 2 days (with kajiurago too).
The listen together Twitter event going on now

Some stuff.

ukatsu ‏@FJukatsu 4m
4.Door 二十歳頃に作った曲です。初めはアカペラだったんだよ〜。当時ライブでも何度もやってた。 #Ka4C
Door was a song I composed when I was 20. It used to be an acapella. At that time we performed it live quite a number of times.

メロも歌詞もそのまんま。ただ後半のコーラスがたっぷり来る後奏は当時は無かったな〜。 #Ka4C
The melody and lyrics were more or less as it is now. Just that the second half didn't have all that chorus coming in back then. (Not sure about this part...)

だから歌詞が若い。少年とか。( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞエヘ #Ka4C
That's why the lyrics have a youthful feel. Like about boys.
What didi it started already ? :uh..: I will take part in part 2 then

I had for some reason wrote "March 31" instead of 30 in the newspost.

oh that's really interesting! Can you go back and see what she says for consolation obbligato and hanataba ?

Part 2 is starting in 7 mins ( 23:10)

メロディーではなくコーラス扱いの部分だな、と判断したので……。 RT @aria_pw: @Fion0806 お聞きしたいのですが満天での「満天のコーラス(of pain)」を歌詞表記しなかったのはなぜでしょうか?

for signal

うーん、基本的にレコーディングは全て順調だったので、時間がかかった曲もエピソードもあまり無いんです……。強いて言えばsignalが、構成練り直したり遊んでいたのでレコーディングが数日に及んだ、くらいでしょうか……。 #Ka4C

for Quo vadis domine

「神よ何処へ行きたもう」ラテン語ですね。ペテロとイエス様のエピソードで有名な言葉ですが。RT @cardinallotus: @Fion0806 Quo vadis Dome(?)ってどんな意味なのですか?また何語ですか? #Ka4C

quo vadis.....使ったからと言って何かキリスト教的な意味合いがある訳じゃないのであります。この場合の「神」はあくまで自分自身の中にいる存在でございまする。 #Ka4C

I think the following ask if she's making the anime songs and the album original songs with different thought.

イメージの発端の問題ですね。作品由来の曲は作品イメージから、アルバム曲は制限無し。それだけの違いです。RT @Me_zno: @Fion0806 失礼します。何かのテーマ曲と、アルバムオリジナル曲で、作り方のアプローチの違いはありますか? #Ka4C
LOL some of the questions and answers are cracking me up! :ohoho: :XD:

like this one:
違いますw。RT @cardinallotus: @Fion0806 Doorの少年は、さっきの木苺の茂みのソバカスドイツボーイですか?? #Ka4C

the question: "the young boy in door..is it the freckled german boy from kiichigo no shigemi?"
her answer: "no lol"
:XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:
^ Yes there was a photo where she and a blonde boy were around 9 years old and around a christmass tree :ayashii:


btw more twits that seem interesting

ukatsu ‏@FJukatsu 2m
作るモードが違うのであまりそう思った事はないかもです。RT @ayay_32: 歌の曲をずっと作ってたあとでサントラの曲を作るとメロディの旋律の幅が狭くなって困る…とかならないですか??
あと、作曲はメロディから作る派ですか、コード進行から作る派ですか………?? ♯Ka4C

ukatsu ‏@FJukatsu 3m
三拍子の曲6/8の曲多いですね、ってよく言われるけど、四拍子の曲多いですねって聞かれた事がない不思議。どっちも同じですよ? #Ka4C
多分、学校がお休みだったからじゃないでしょうか!(当時学生だったから)RT @log_luna_loco: @Fion0806 Doorに登場するのは何故「土曜日の朝」なのでしょうか? #Ka4C

:XD: she is a funny woman!

question: "why was the scene in door on a "saturday morning?" "
her answer: "probably because i didn't go to school! (because at that time [when she wrote door] i was a student)"
ukatsu ‏@FJukatsu 1m
RT @cazayuki: The accordion was used in “consolation”again,will you use it in next works?e.g.Mirai Fukuin or Madoka's movie?THX #Ka4C

I dcan't decide it now...if the song requires! #Ka4C

Here she states that its not her the one that decides to release the OSTs with BD/DVDs

これについては私が決める事では無いのでちょっとお答えが難しいです。RT @michiru_129: 最近はサウンドトラックの単体のCDがリリースされず全てBD/DVDの特典となっていますが、そのことについて何か思うところはありませんか? #Ka4C

event ended, but she didnt reply to any of my twits :cry:

btw I think the following is related to hanataba


なのでリアルかアンリアルかはたいした問題じゃないの。それだけの話でございます。( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞエヘ。 #Ka4C

本人がそれを心から信じていれば、それが現実であっても妄想であってもそれはどうでもいい事なんじゃないかな?それは本物なんです。 #Ka4C
