^ thanks george! 
Well here is my ten year late review
/is shot 
Only gonna talk about the new songs...
Al fine:
Lovely piece...if it had been longer it would probably be my favourite but perhaps its shortness is also a part of its sweetness?
(did that even make sense lol) And I really like those in-album lyrics references to the other songs that were pointed out. Very nice~
I wonder how it'll turn out live… 
Like I said before, I like the chorus and I like the verses and I like the bridge all as separate entities on their own, (I guess I can't help but like the song as a whole in general as well) but the way they all fit together and transition from one part to another still feels a bit awkward. Nevertheless, I love Hikaru's angry vocals and sekushi Wakana Latin.
I don't even know why but recently I've realised I love hearing her singing in Latin, Italian, Spanish-sounding languages (like in Obbligato as well
) I really like Keiko's low harmony lines with Hanae, so deliciously deep
My favourite part of the song is Waka's very last chorus. 
Actually, upon repeated listenings to the song and getting used to its transitions, I'm liking it more and more...so now out of all the titular tracks, I like it better than Eden by less than red moon (Seventh Heaven remains undefeated as my absolute favourite titular track, though
It took my breath away on first listen
Sounds a bit like intermezzo + I have a dream to me... All three girls just sound beautiful. I'm glad Keiko got some lead parts in the middle...her voice is soooooo nice and velvety...my ears have never felt so good
Hikaru had me spazzing out and replaying many times her that beautiful little rolling inflection she did on the "wasuurenai" This song is just a pleasure to listen to and to pick out all the little details the girls put into the vocals
Although when I listen to it I inevitably think of young freckled German boys, thanks to that twitter event

Reminds me of Houseki, somehow, especially when I heard Keiko's verse
Hikaru's voice is really suited to the song, angsty but 'rolling' rather than rough. I love Hanae's 'consoladio ditoo' kajiurago part
The accordion is something rather new.
It'll take some time to get used to, but I have my suspicions that Hitoshi's violin is going to take over the instrumental solo when they perform this live. Unless they get an actual accordion player O_O 
Well...this is a song that will take some getting used to for me…
I think in all honesty it's a song which I will enjoy the live version more, without the filters and effects and stuff on Hikaru and Keiko's singing. Wakana's scat parts are amazing – they sent shivers down my spine
I love the Yuriko x Keiko part in the middle
The Engrish, however...makes me laugh
"I got to goin'...keep believing…" LOL
And the accordion popping up again the middle was a bit weird for me at first, but I guess I’ll get used to that the more I listen to the song 
At first it didn't leave that much of an impression on me...and then suddenly, without knowing how or why, I had Wakana's 'canto lamento' line stuck in my head, so I just had to keep listening to it...and the more I listened to it, the more I grew to love it
Like I said before, something about the way Wakana sings Latiny-Italian-Spanish-other European languages just sounds really...sexy...to me
lol looks like I have discovered another weird fetish I have...
Ahem! Anyway, back to the song. The beginning reminds me a bit of serenato. Hanae's kajiurago is spine-tingling
Love the guitar
I also love the harmonies in this song, especially in the second verse
Wakana on high harmony sounds so sassy
/is harpooned for weirdness the lyrics surprised me since they suggest something of a love song, yet without knowing the lyrics, the song doesn't really sound anything like a love song 
Kiichigo no Shigemi ni:
Another beautiful ballad, which make me happy because I'm a sucker for ballads, be they powerful, epic or plain. The song actually reminds me of Gloria + Kugatsu. Wakana sounds beautiful
Hikaru is nice too, I would just prefer it if she didn't clip some of her note as much. DAT CELLO is goooorgeoussss
Too bad it won't be there live
I'm presuming either Hitoshi will play it instead...or...backing track?
Yume no Daichi:
Hikaru sounds a tad too intense...or dark?...or forceful maybe is the right word, for the song. Keiko short 'echo-y' lines scattered throughout are nice little touches that I like. Especially with her mellow and rich sound
I feel instantly happier and lighter whenever I hear the strings in this…
Yuriko and Hanae were amazing throughout the album
Seems like those two are the regular cameos on Kala's music. Wonder what Kalafina ft. Eri Itoh would sound like 
I can't help but keep thinking about how all of these songs will turn out live, but I think they'll all sound quite different (more so than the songs on After Eden) since there seems to be quite a large amount of Hanae/Yuriko vocals which would probably somehow be worked in to the girls' live singing, and then there's all that accordion to take into consideration...
Door and Kiichigo no Shigemi ni started out as my obvious favourites, but as I listened to the album more, the other songs started growing on me more. Right now, it's probably:
Al fine = Door = Consolation = Obbligato = Kiichigo no Shigemi ni
Yume no Daichi = Hanataba = Signal
Lol…seems like I just can't help but love everything, whhyyy...
Aaaaand currently, overall album standings are:
1 - Seventh Heaven (I'm sorry, it just can't be beaten so far
2 - Red Moon = Consolation
4 - After Eden
Now, there's just a DVD/BD release to wait for…
Can't wait to see these songs live (hopefully!)

Well here is my ten year late review

Only gonna talk about the new songs...
Al fine:
Lovely piece...if it had been longer it would probably be my favourite but perhaps its shortness is also a part of its sweetness?

Like I said before, I like the chorus and I like the verses and I like the bridge all as separate entities on their own, (I guess I can't help but like the song as a whole in general as well) but the way they all fit together and transition from one part to another still feels a bit awkward. Nevertheless, I love Hikaru's angry vocals and sekushi Wakana Latin.

Actually, upon repeated listenings to the song and getting used to its transitions, I'm liking it more and more...so now out of all the titular tracks, I like it better than Eden by less than red moon (Seventh Heaven remains undefeated as my absolute favourite titular track, though

It took my breath away on first listen

Reminds me of Houseki, somehow, especially when I heard Keiko's verse

Well...this is a song that will take some getting used to for me…

At first it didn't leave that much of an impression on me...and then suddenly, without knowing how or why, I had Wakana's 'canto lamento' line stuck in my head, so I just had to keep listening to it...and the more I listened to it, the more I grew to love it

Kiichigo no Shigemi ni:
Another beautiful ballad, which make me happy because I'm a sucker for ballads, be they powerful, epic or plain. The song actually reminds me of Gloria + Kugatsu. Wakana sounds beautiful

Yume no Daichi:
Hikaru sounds a tad too intense...or dark?...or forceful maybe is the right word, for the song. Keiko short 'echo-y' lines scattered throughout are nice little touches that I like. Especially with her mellow and rich sound

Yuriko and Hanae were amazing throughout the album

I can't help but keep thinking about how all of these songs will turn out live, but I think they'll all sound quite different (more so than the songs on After Eden) since there seems to be quite a large amount of Hanae/Yuriko vocals which would probably somehow be worked in to the girls' live singing, and then there's all that accordion to take into consideration...
Door and Kiichigo no Shigemi ni started out as my obvious favourites, but as I listened to the album more, the other songs started growing on me more. Right now, it's probably:
Al fine = Door = Consolation = Obbligato = Kiichigo no Shigemi ni
Yume no Daichi = Hanataba = Signal

Lol…seems like I just can't help but love everything, whhyyy...
Aaaaand currently, overall album standings are:
1 - Seventh Heaven (I'm sorry, it just can't be beaten so far

2 - Red Moon = Consolation
4 - After Eden