ohh wakana's "see you later"

Kugayama said:Yurika-Chan said:
I'm not sure if I'd seen the Kalafina Animagic 2012 documentary before, but I enjoyed it!
HimeWakana said:Arigatou Yurika-chan!!!This morning came my L.A and this afternoon with my friends, I'll see the documentary of Animagic
HimeWakana said:aye aye I was in it!! http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-a ... 6560_n.jpg (I'm in the middle *___*) I wore that dress!
Cute sharky!HimeWakana said:Oh thanks Liana-chan!!Anyway yes they really like our gifts!!
Wakana told me: "Wow arigatou!! I love shark"
(http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-a ... 9806_n.jpg this was my present for her)
@Megy: yes of course!! *____________*