My thoughts on the new songs:
al fine:
It seriously makes me tear up each time I hear it. ; w; The lyrics are beautiful and the song itself is absolutely gorgeous. Of course it's the shortest one of them all. . . //sobs
I do wish it was longer but I also think its shortness just adds to it. Definitely a favourite!
Consolation: I loved this one! Very powerful and intense. Maybe it's just me, but Hikaru was a little difficult to understand in the beginning. ^^; Hanae's and Yuriko's voices really added to the the song, I don't think it would have had the same haunting effect without them. On another note, I wish we could have heard more of Keiko. . .
Door: Another pretty song. > u < Although I will admit I wasn't too big a fan of Hikaru's parts; I feel like she didn't manage to convey the same. . . ah, delicacy as Wakana and Keiko, except towards that last harmonization with Wakana. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me after I listen to it some more~
Hanataba: Err, the accordion was a bit of a surprise. . . but it was a good one! I really liked the song, but again, for some reason. . . Hikaru's singing kind of annoyed me. :/ I liked her harmonizing more. And Hanae and Yuriko sounded beautiful in the chorus, as usual
Signal: . . .so when I first heard this song, all I could think was, what happened Kajiura-san?

Actually that's all I kept thinking when I kept trying to make sense of what I was listening to. But I will say what a couple of others have said; after listening repeatedly, it's definitely grown on me! I actually really like it. I especially love Keiko's little solo. Hikaru wasn't annoying in this song to me, and Wakana's ahh's were also great, though I felt they could have been just a bit more higher-pitched. Overall, I'd consider this song a favourite!
Obbligato: I liked most of the song; the vocals were lovely, and it flowed nicely but I honestly didn't really like the guitar parts (even though those parts will be fun to watch when this song gets performed live). It kind of distracted me from the song, but we'll see if that changes as I listen to it more. Lol I keep repeating myself, but I just can't get over Hanae and Yuriko, they really add to the songs they sing in!
Kichigo no shigemi ni: This song reminds me a lot of Kagayuku Sora but with less instruments. There's also little parts that remind of Manten for some reason; I'm not sure if I like it very much. . . I do love the prominent cello and piano though. I know Hikaru can pull off a 'soft' tone of singing, but I don't think she really managed to do that in this song.
Yume no Daichi: This song is relaxing and pleasant to listen to, but it just didn't stand out to me like the other songs did. Also. . . If Storia and Symphonia were to have a baby, then this would be it
Overall; I definitely enjoyed this album; while it did have that certain. . . 'Kajiura/Kalafina-ness' to it, there was still a refreshing feel to it. In my opinion, we got to see some more of Kalafina's fiery passion.

And I'm sure it sounded like I was bashing on Hikaru, but I promise I didn't mean it that way.
I love her style but I just. . . I'm not sure
what happened I liked her parts in this album. ._.