To be honest, I´m not even gonna watch the PV because I can already imagine how it is (80% Keiko standing there and singing, sometimes focusing on other girls just to pretend PV is not about Keiko) and I honestly don´t care about it. I rarely watch their PVs, they´re boring af. At least some of them like Moonfesta or KnGnN had beautiful clothes and scenario, but I´m 99% sure this is not the case. I enjoy live videos waaaay more.
Anyway, thanks for sharing ♥
About the single...
Blaze: It´s pretty catchy, I couldn´t take its melody out of my head for like two days. I think it´s more fitting for an OP than an ED. Kajiurago is nice, but doesn´t fit with the song at all for me. Besides that, pretty generic and forgettable song. Probably gonna skip it most of the time. Let`s see if it growns on me after seeing it live, but I think it will not.
Natsu no asa:

PERFECTION. I`m really liking this folkish songs, and the girls and Kajiura-sama did an amazing work on this. Beautiful song, love the chorus. Love everything, actually. It´s really magic and romantic. After watch FotW concert I felt like the whole album is trying to tell a story, some kind of magical journey (??) Natsu no Asa feel like the continuation to that story. Praying for a live version now.

Also, it would be 1000000x better ED than Blaze.
Instrumentals: Blaze was plain boring, Natsu no Asa was lovely. I wish we could get more B-sides instrumentals.
You know what? It bugs me that almost for sure, Blaze will be a track to their next album, and Natsu no Asa won´t. Which I really dislike, because with FotW A-sides ruined the whole album. And being Natsu no asa such a beautiful song... Also, their albums are targeted to their "real" fans rather than the anime fanboys, so yeah, I don´t know what´s with adding those songs we don´t really care about ~
Btwn, I need a decent live version of serenato