Kalafina 10th Anniversary Live at Nippon Budokan (2018-01-23) (BD/DVD Release June 13/2018)

Thai Harmony 10th Anniversary Project [1] Flower Stand

- Those who are interest to participate please check out in the link below (Non-Thai fans are also welcomed to join) . THANK YOU!!!




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So did you guys receive your tickets?! My proxy service received mine.. and seems like I got a good seat :shy:! And is everyone ready for the trip?! :w00t:
There's an undeniable tension and anticipation about this concert going on right now across the globe in the minds of ticket holders........
Good news is I now have an idea of where I'll be. Bad news is it's upstairs and near the back.

I swear I was a Lancer in a previous life, only way to explain my permanent E-rank luck.
You have a bad seat too Atlas?

Thankfully someone suggested binoculars to me about an hour before I left my house so I added mine to my luggage.
Umm.. you guys are making me doubt my seat location now.. is their numbering system only (letter)(number)? should there be like a word with it for floor?