I have seen both the DVD today and I'm so full of emotions!!

I found the girls particularly consistent for the whole live!! Wacchan was in her top form, Keechan too and Hicchan really surprised me in various songs with her falsetto, that personally I really like! The girls were evidentely full of mixed feelings and they tried to put all their effort for creating an unforgettable experience for all the fans!! There were a lot of shipping moments, for my happyness, expecially during Ongaku, that huggggg

I would really liked to see another set of dresses or some particular outfit!! Also the stage was so simply decorated, compared to other lives! But apart this I totally enjoyed the full performance! And for the first time the mics were balanced properly!! The girls were clearly heard in all songs, without strange noises! About the movie, it's really pretty and well done, but I would have preferred to see more backstage scenes, despite the live clips!
From these hours with the girls in front of the tv, I felt the loneliness, I realized another time what made me fall in love with them T____T That unique magic that comes from naturally when their voices come together! I really miss it and I'm praying that soon they will come back like a trio! I desire only this