Kajiura's twitter discussion

The thoughts account was cute, and I'm glad Yuki's able to take it with such humour... but still the news were scary rather than amusing to me :omg:
If you lose consciousness after falling off the stairs, it's certainly not a happy landing. I hope she didn't have any obvious/hidden traumas. :uh..:

And since when 46 years are considered "having lived long"? Yuki, we want you to live twice as long AT THE VERY LEAST! :listen:
She really thought she already lived long, and don't you find it amusing or weird that she had so much in her mind while falling? :XD:
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura @Fion0806


梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura @Fion0806


Is it me, or the smiley looks like a facepalm? :XD:
Not sign of old age - sign of stress and overwork :omg: Rest well Kajiura-sensei and get better soon :touched:
Interesting tidbits on Twitter recently...

Fion0806 said:

(The picture shows the engineer sitting at the mixing board, and you can see Kyo-sama and his drum set on one of the monitors.)

KORE1225 said:
今日のRecもイイかんじにできたよ。明日は講義やってから、サトジュンさんArrのRec。 http://bit.ly/xiqv35


I wonder if this is rec for the FJ album, or a new OST? :ayashii:
And I wonder why Koichi-san's taken to wearing sunglasses indoors now?