Go Shiina & (notsomuch) Yuki Kajiura to compose for Kimetsu no Yaiba

The cut to the refrain sucks but it's alright. First half of the OP and the unusual-for-Kajiura-choir hype in ED are great.

Hopefully Sony doesn't randomly stop releasing stuff internationally, so I can grab the hirez full single without any issues when it's out.
OK, but the full version is still kickass despite the refrain. The 2nd verse & bridge. The last minute. A++
I guess it only makes the situation that much worse though, lol, cause the song could've been majorly badass all the way through with a better refrain.
Just listened to the full version. I like the refrain BUT I think something as heavy-hitting as the rest of the song would be better. It just ends up feeling like two songs mashed together, like Heavenly Blue.
Same impression with grunty for Akeboshi. The beginning got me so hyped and thinking "wow damn this is good!" but then the reffrain came and I was like "eeehhh why..." also Lisa surprisingly didn't sound really annoying here. The last part especially was A++ but it also made me think "this sounded like it's meant to be sung by Kalafina" lol it sounded like it's meant to be sung by Wakana Hikaru Keiko in that order, starting from "taiyou wo... oikakete... kuruma wa susumu..." especially Lisa sang those lines like she was channeling them. Idk if it's intentional or not but this is the one song that gave the most "this definitely was meant for Kalafina if they're still around" feeling to me.
Nah the Japanese people are agreeing with me because Kalafina trended in Jp and that's because they also feel like Akeboshi was meant to be sung by Kalafina. As far as I remember this doesn't usually happen with previous Kajiura collaborations like with aimer and even with LiSA's Homura. Not that I want them reuniting but idk it's hard not to hear/imagine Kalafina singing this lmao

I have to say that I never thought that Kalafina was this popular in Japan though. They're still able to be trending from time to time even though they've technically disbanded for almost 4 years now. I especially thought they're not that popular within the anime lovers as when they were still active I usually read less than nice comments about their anime songs (outside of this forum because inside the forum I was one of those harsh commenters lmao) on twitter and some jp forum and sites especially. I thought they're far more popular with the older crowds thanks to Rekishi Hiwa Historia.
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Also I'm pretty sure there were plenty of people saying "I beg you" in particular should've been a Kalafina/FJ song. To which I said and still say BS.
Nope the I beg you sounds like for Kalafina was only on this forum lmao grunty dear you're still so salty everytime anybody's mentioning Kalafina. I know you hate them but man that much hatred couldn't be healthy. Also wtf I thought ignoring someone meant I won't see their likes :( what's the point
Nope the I beg you sounds like for Kalafina was only on this forum lmao grunty dear you're still so salty everytime anybody's mentioning Kalafina. I know you hate them but man that much hatred couldn't be healthy. Also wtf I thought ignoring someone meant I won't see their likes :( what's the point

I'm not a fan of LiSA either so what's your point?

I absolutely am a hateful asshole... but ritchan, my dear... need a mirror?
Akeboshi: Oh wow....intro instrumental verses sounds like Anette-era Nightwish but I really can't point what song it reminds me of :( .Anyways as far as Kalafina-sounding here for me, it's only the "taiyouu" full blown-filtered vocals that it went Wakana-ish lmao..
Really really like the 2nd verses till interlude going Destination-like beats. Speaking of interlude, I was ready to go "Oh God no..." when E.guitar kicks in but I'm glad it was kinda subdued(or more like different pedal effects?Thank God!). Again, the chorus could have been better by having the style of verses but oh well at least the last part is pretty nice. I'm hearing LiSA's vocal experimentation here too so that's a plus :goodjob: Not sure if this will hook general population tho..

Shirogane: Why the Sawano template intro Kajiura? jkjk anyway it sounds so different but I get the brighter style of this than the OP. Interested on the full ver. now

I'm a sucker for the OP-style so it's OP>ED for now but they are def. miles better than Yuke lol(Considering I'm a fan of Ayase too lol)
Shirogane has a few notes from Stone cold im sure
"zankoku na...." vs "katakuna na kokoro no mama de". i ll have to listen to Akeboshi more but sounds good from first listen. They re both good. actually :)

i like that both have chorus that sounds like the soundtrack choruses.
This is not a bright star in the sky, this is a METEOR!

I’m blown away by the song. Having the refrain from the teaser in mind, really didn’t expect the track to start like that. And when it all kicks in after 5 seconds, I’ve totally fallen in love with it. Waterfall of emotions! From Kajiura, it felt at the same time unexpected and expected. By “expected”, I was confident that she would not fail but… that’s it!

The distant voices are amazing. LiSA reaching those pretty high notes is beautiful. Must have been challenging… imo her best song from far, others being too much “good vibes only”. Even better is that this song fits her well, it seems tailor-made. I can’t imagine another Kajiura’s vocalist singing it (esp unlike Umi to Shinju).

Funny enough is that the refrain is actually the softer part of the song ^^ I like how it shifts from badass verse to climatic chorus. Yet it remains so hype and even epic. I love very aggressive and loud instru, so this is a huge yes. A song to be put in the very closed circle of “Kajiura’s superbadassongs” that would include “Gaika", "I beg you", "Wonderland".

I’d like to compare it with “I beg you”. Even if this one has to be one of my favorite songs ever, I don’t like how I starts: too quiet, empty. Hard or even embarrassing to listen to it following other songs even if it may in the middle become the best track of the mix. “Akeboshi” starts at full power and instantly get you hooked! Best song intro imo since FJ’s “Synchronicity” (although I prefer the original mix).

My only complaint: too bad the interlude isn’t as climatic as with most others Kajiura songs, as if she forgot to add her “signature” here. But maybe it was also intended, as she said that she wanted to do something she had not done before.

The lyrics? Making some quick google translation and trying to correct it with my poor skills… they are the most Kajiura-ish thing in this song lol. Struggles. More interesting is that the music is hype, but the meaning is sad. And yeah, it’s not the easy recognizable “Sayonara, Arigato” so we might miss the “boohoohoooo :'( ” trend. Jokes apart, I think I like those lyrics. Can relate. But why does she always speak about love, loss, distance...?

This OP is so different than all previous KNY themes, and to an extent, average anisongs! Curious to see how it will chart, assuming that LiSA’s fanbase -and to an extent, Anisong listeners- came for the positive and naïve vibes… just try to picture it instead of “Gurenge” at the Olympics Closing Ceremony… got it? ^^’

About the ED “Shirogane”, I’ll wait for the full size before writing more, but Kajiura’s compo going “wowowo” like mainstream songs actually worked for me.
Shirogane: Why the Sawano template intro Kajiura? jkjk anyway it sounds so different but I get the brighter style of this than the OP. Interested on the full ver.
Oh yeah I actually wrote that before reading your comment. No offence, but imho Sawano is the one using generic templates that already exists and nZk-beams them hue ;p
Listened to the full ver of Akeboshi and I'm so torn. I love everything except the chorus, but even that would have been fine on its own. It really is two different songs mushed together and I don't think they go that well together.