Disc 1
i was just a child: typical sad Kajiura bgm but i like the wind-blow-like sfx :)
Umi to Shinjo: Gives a happy and bright start not only to the series but to the soundtrack too.
the red-light district at night: Relaxing accordion. Was expecting something faster
happy feeling: what the title says lol also kinda goofy/playful ^_^ Great song to relax a baby if its not sleepy :)
noisy times: Love this its so joyful ^_^ perfect for dance too. really gives an exotic / piratee feel.
a small pearl: Just a nice piano track.
something strange is going on: I like how the melody is carried by the cello, and the beat remind me of may-hime soundtrack. The melody is sad and slightly scary too.
the old knights: Track like the one you would see in a movie where a hero comes back to his town from victorious conquest lol There was something similar in style in mai-otome too. Really nice :)
he’s behind your back: SFX with a little bit of techno.
you have to choose your way: the swordland arrange ! The beat, the percussion and the bass really add to it i think, and love the brass at the end and how the strings finish
his name is Abel: Pretty sure this one never played in the series. I really like the herpsichord and how the strings melody which is used later on too.
the sea is never without a wave: Trailer bgm with tokyo Konsei . I dont think it was used in the episodes. I think the 2nd the chorus on the 2nd half. so good <3
dawn is breaking, ship is on the way: Ah, the kind of tracks with acoustic guitar and flute ^_^ Umi to Shinju melody. So relaxing and peaceful.
something ugly in the air: SFX
the waves rippling: Cello track. Nice melody but kinda forgetable track.
calling of my heart: Flute / strings / harp relaxing track
fight to the finish: Joelle bgm from the trailer, really like that fast flute :)
everyday is a gift: Peaceful piano / violin bgm, the kinda reminds of sekai satoyama ost, love it <3
tender memories: harp bgm
a lively town : A bit too lively maybe lol (maybe cause last track was so quiet) Really nice track with guitar eguitar percussion and accordion.
to find your truth: lovely bgm with flute and ac.guitar, violin later :)
give me truth: Same melody as above but with accordion, slower. Reminds me of some leisure time bgm you could find in noir.
Disc 2
ruin: BGM from the scene with the crystal where the pirate girls trapped them. Really like the multiple vocal layers and how they combine with flute
mystical: I dont remember this bgm. was it when they were walking inside the island forest ?
untrodden island: funny sounds in the middle of the track so dont skip it. Sounds like Kajiura took out her kitchen wear and started playing em.
his tenderness, his love: Sweet piano / cello bgm
his memories, his pain: This is the bgm from after Abel met Helena. Love it both sweet and sad :(
Vice versa: I remember I looped the anime dancing scene 10-15 time just to listen to this <3
Probably the best track in the soundtrack <3 Weird how its so early in the soundtrack though.
a gem-mining town: This is partly bgm from trailer and from the german city. LOVE the BAGPIPES! WANT MORE <3 but there is no more T_T. Are those sfxes supposed to be hammers and steam machines ?
I will guard you: Nice harp, but the strings are better ^_^ Happy and sweet track, lovely melody.
his other face, his cruelty : Abel theme, but darker.
his memories, his pain : Most sfx, and the melody is carried by a haunted music box lol
your future is up to you : Another music box bgm
now we have found : Island pop-up bgm. From the duration i can tell it was tailor-made.
battle on to the east: Another chorus bgm. Dont remember if it played in the series.
take action!: I dont remember this either. Its besically Umi to Shinjo battle ver. The drumming sure is unusual for Kajiura. and using accordion on battle bgm too.
what she was here for: Helena BGM! ^_^ (how come its not titled "her name is Helena" lol) I love it <3
you have to make up your mind: Trademark journey Kajiura bgm
time to sail!: Oh first time Kajiura has Tokyo Konsei in this kind of bgm, I dont remember if a place called Eden: it was used in the series. Must be the closest to what @wat considers as symphony :)
a place called Eden: I remember it. Also has Tokyo Konsei.
the land of east: Unnecessarily long and boring

x 10
It was a really nice soundtrack overall with some tracks that stand out like vice versa, the mining town, the time to sail. But the vocal tracks and some of the bgms were not much more than what appeared in the series and that's a bummer. Guess i was way too excited ^^; I d give this a 7/10.