^ What? Really? I thought they were 26 episodes
That was a big jump of events. They could have shorten the lenth of episode 22, to reserve some space for what they jump now, because now its like:
- somehow Komine and Kiritsuju met somewhere (where?) and started fighting
- the battle between Berserker and Saber was left in the middle and now they suddenly
what's the reason ?
so many unanswered questions

- somehow Komine and Kiritsuju met somewhere (where?) and started fighting
- the battle between Berserker and Saber was left in the middle and now they suddenly
show us its end
The grail suddenly popped up and started extracting blood
How did he bit Kotomine if he was in advantage?
- Kiritsugu decided to put Saber to destroy the grail out of nowhere
Why did he killed Irisveil and the kid ?
so many unanswered questions