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^ What? Really? I thought they were 26 episodes :XD: That was a big jump of events. They could have shorten the lenth of episode 22, to reserve some space for what they jump now, because now its like:
- somehow Komine and Kiritsuju met somewhere (where?) and started fighting
- the battle between Berserker and Saber was left in the middle and now they suddenly
show us its end
The grail suddenly popped up and started extracting blood
what's the reason ?
How did he bit Kotomine if he was in advantage?
- Kiritsugu decided to put Saber to destroy the grail out of nowhere
Why did he killed Irisveil and the kid ?

so many unanswered questions :uh..: :blood:
Have yet to watch it, but from your review, guys, I'm smelling the Black Cat syndrome here :omg:

aka "Oh crap, we've got fewer episodes than we planned, brace for an ultra fast ending!" syndrome :white:

EDIT: Oops.

Music: awesome

Kiritsugu vs Kirei fight: spectacular

The Grail's maths game: approved. A logical dead end for Kiritsugu, and I have no questions about the use of the last command seal. The usual cruel irony as par for the course with Urobuchi.

Irisviel and Ilya: the usual *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* as par for the course with Urobuchi. :uh..: :blood: :cry:

The rest: FRIGGIN' RANDOM :...:

One thing when Grunty complains about the pacing, and another when Nick "aww, c'mon, guys, it's still awesome" Hunter stares at the screen in disbelief, scratching a hole in his head. :@_@: What the kyuubey was this? Whatever's wrong with Ufotable? What happened to the episodes number which was long supposed and expected to be 26 in total? God is witness, I had few to no problems with the pacing, but here... Even splitting this episode's events over two would likely avoid this, but NO, they had to drag the events and troll the gruntier part of the audience only to start desperately summing up everything in a hurry, trolling the rest of the audience by the end? I thought such things only happened to Gonzo!

Oh, well. The usual jerkass towards his characters Urobuchi may be, but his plot WAS a fun ride. The OST gave us more awesome tracks from Yuki to enjoy. And I thank Ufotable for the anime that was my second fave show of 2011 for the most part... until now when it's making me sound in unison with Grunty about it. :knife:

And the last episode will likely serve the sole purpose of building up a brief bridge with shout-outs to FSN
and somehow saving Kirei's hindquarters, since he DOES show up in FSN as I mentioned before

Screw it all, I'm switching to My Little Pony. :imdead: :bye:
^I agree that even though it is confusing and the pacing is a bit off, it still is entertaining. At least that last episode was (and the other fight scenes in the show were as well). I am not saying that I only want battles, as that would be a little overboard. I think Yuki's music fits well with this series a lot. :dote: She has done a wonderful job. The Ea longer version was amazing. heh Oh, @george:
I think that the grail thing with the blood has something to do with the blood that was spilled in the battlefield? Or maybe what they showed on the ship... I am not sure.

george1234 said:
Why did he killed Irisveil and the kid ?

not sure if it makes sense. but.

well.. because the irisviel that we see in this ep, is just a personification of the holy grail's will. therefore it isnt exactly his wife (and daughter for that matter). the shooting part is to illustrate how he rejected the grail.
exactly. We all know that Ilya's alive and well (for now). And Irisviel was already dead, technically... which doesn't quite save her from getting her neck snapped AGAIN. :blood:
But since Irisviel was in fact the Grail's Will, do her words mean Kiritsugu's cursed for real? :ayashii: :omg: That's the second time this guy is getting cursed... That's not gonna end well... Oh wait, according to FSN ep 1, it didn't. :knife:

Resolution to Kiritsugu vs Araya?

Just noticed this misprint. Was it intentional? Come to think of it, Araya and Kirei ARE birds of a feather. :plot: :XD:
Yea same voice actor, but I dont see any other similarity (have to watch Knk 5 some months too), but even more strange, for me is the comparison between Kiritsugu and Shiki.
I thought Grunty meant the fight first and foremost (except Kirei and Kiritsugu didn't take a spectacular divedown from a skyscraper's window :XD: ). But Kirei and Araya both fit the same image... I'll probably end up overly simplifying it, but let's sum it up as "I'm dull and grimdark and I have a philosophical problem I can't explain in layman's terms, but if killing people ever helps solving it, well, why not?" :glower: :ohoho:

I suppose one could also find similarities between Kiritsugu and Shiki, although they ARE different for the most part.

Nick Hunter said:
I thought Grunty meant the fight first and foremost (except Kirei and Kiritsugu didn't take a spectacular divedown from a skyscraper's window :XD: ).

They tried to with camera work but it had nothing on KnK5 spinning. Same with music. It had nothing on KnK.
Re: Re:

grunty said:
They tried to with camera work but it had nothing on KnK5 spinning. Same with music. It had nothing on KnK.
I must agree. The fights are better choreographed in KnK, in general.
On the music part, I'm not sure. Especially since KnK 5 didn't have the best OST out of the bunch, in my view.

In other news, I literally can't wait for this track. (or are there two of them in this scene?)
I'm not saying KNK5 had the best OST but you also can't tell me you didn't feel pumped here.


But, of course. KnK (and especially KnK 5) are (much?) better directed than F/Z, in my view, at least. However, the first time I heard the track, I felt it was kinda underwhelming. I felt the OST collection provided us with a better version.
Paradigm was kinda ZZZZZZZZZZZ.
I'm curious with how they directed this scene, given how grunty compares it to KnK5.
I usually only listen to 1:41 or so. I mainly like it for the higher vocals.
He shot the loli with gas helium voice in the head.

Best thing they did in F/Z. The rest was lolz.