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grunty said:
Why... WHY do I keep watching this shit!?!? Should've been 4 movies.
Why four? How do you see the plot split between them?
TV format has its drawbacks, but hey, at least it's more accessible, and we can hear Yuki's music on the spot (which must be important for some people who only care about the OST, not the show), without waiting for a BD release just to check out all the stuff.
And you're still watching this because:
- a) as a Yuki fan (no matter how grunty), your curiosity for new music and hopes to hear something you might cheer for again never dies,
- b) despite all you hate about the show, it still remains one of the better animus produced lately. Revise the latest season preview sheets and make some comparisons.

Me, I like this show a lot and have a minimum of things to complain about (just no moar Dead Apostles, 'kay?), although I admit it doesn't grab me as tight as Madoka did, and the overall excitement has died down a bit towards the end. Maybe it's due to the prequel nature - there always remained a bit of hope about PMMM, and this card was eventually played, while this plot leaves no chance for a good ending. Maybe it's a lesser number of characters that really appealed to me - and guessing that most who did are screwed from the start. And even those who may survive will owe their lifeboat tickets to Fate/Stay Night canon rather than to the plot's mercy. But I still find a lot of awesomeness to drink from this animu, so I'm glad I'm watching it. Yuki's OST has added another pack of sheer classics to her library, the animation and direction remind me why ufotable's among my few favourite studios, and Urobuchi sure has my respect for his plots and characters - even despite him always being an epic jerkass towards the latter.

No comment on the latest episode, since it may take me some time to watch it.
^I enjoy the show as well. I love the character relationships, and the storyline. Even though it can be a bit slow at times, with a lot of dialogue, I like that as well. It has a good balance of both action and talking I think.
Re: Re:

Nick Hunter said:
Why four? How do you see the plot split between them?

Exactly like the novel? There are 4 volumes. I really don't know who is at fault here - Urobuchi or Aoki Ei, the pacing in this show is nonexistent. As is the drama.

Nick Hunter said:
- b) despite all you hate about the show, it still remains one of the better animus produced lately. Revise the latest season preview sheets and make some comparisons.

Another, Tsuritama, Apollon, Space Bros and Eureka7 AO (as far as I've watched) were/are all way more enjoyable.
Tweo things to say about this episode: Urobuschi sure loves stranglings :XD: Man this sure was a sloow episode :uh..:

some new musics I spotted:

- some babish sounding metalophone during the Waver amd grandpa convo
- slow stings and piano during the Waver and Rider talk on the horse
Re: Re:

grunty said:
Nick Hunter said:
- b) despite all you hate about the show, it still remains one of the better animus produced lately. Revise the latest season preview sheets and make some comparisons.

Another, Tsuritama, Apollon, Space Bros and Eureka7 AO (as far as I've watched) were/are all way more enjoyable.


Let's see, I believe Rider was defeated in this episode? (didn't watch it and definitely won't, since I've dropped this for good). Now I can rest assured there's nothing for me in this show. May Kajiura at least make a Tokyo Konsei song in the near future, SAO-like or not.
^ Νο, what happened >
Waver talked with his grandpa and discovered that they are not his real parents but he's adopted, then Irisviel said to Kotomine Kirei, Kiritsugu's wish for the grail and then he killed her with straggling (he then desided he would wish the exact opposide than Kiritsgu I guess), then Waver talked with Rider and decided to go were Kirei was. Irisviel discovered she's inside the Holy Grail.
george1234 said:
Waver talked with his grandpa and discovered that they are not his real parents but he's adopted,

What? No. Just the opposite.
His "grandfather" realized Waver was not related to him.

F/Z wouldn't work as a movie series, especially not as few as four movies (Kara no Kyoukai was three volumes mostly full of bloated bullshit that got cut out and got 7 movies, though most were half-length). It'd be even more compressed and turn into complete gibberish for anybody not intimately familiar with the setting.

I'm completely baffled at the complaints on the show, it's extremely solid and probably going to be the best show this year, like Madoka was last year. SAO might surprise me, but I haven't got very high hopes based on the dotHack knockoff premise and the players involved (other than Kajiura).

Fetucine said:
I'm completely baffled at the complaints on the show, it's extremely solid and probably going to be the best show this year, like Madoka was last year.

Don't agree with this, but whatever.
I really don't know who is at fault here - Urobuchi or Aoki Ei, the pacing in this show is nonexistent. As is the drama.

Must be a challenge for Urobuchi indeed. IIRC from the interview, he considered the novels non-anime-adaptable in the first place.

Another, Tsuritama, Apollon, Space Bros and Eureka7 AO (as far as I've watched) were/are all way more enjoyable.

Might even not mention Apollon, since it's friggin' Shinichiro Watanabe we're talking. :sparkleguy: But what you listed are a handful. That's why I marked F/Z as one of the more enjoyable, not the most enjoyable of them. I've yet to find time to watch anything of the aforelisted, but if they're more to your liking, I'll take your word on their quality. :ayashii:

it's extremely solid and probably going to be the best show this year, like Madoka was last year.

F/Z is technically last year's show. :XD: The only reason we're watching the rest of it since April is that the studio asked for a timeout to maintain animation quality. Two-season shows rarely end in such a blatant cliffhanger as the "first" season of Fate/Zero did.
And as far as I've seen, some polls already set up Steins;Gate, Madoka and Fate/Zero as last year's three best shows (no comment on Steins;Gate since I haven't watched it).

The complaints seem to be mostly about the pacing so far, and while I'm alright with it, it's definitely not the pacing I like the show for. :tea:

Nick Hunter said:
Might even not mention Apollon, since it's friggin' Shinichiro Watanabe we're talking.

Except I don't consider Watanabe god. I don't consider Cowboy Bebop the greatest show of all time. Same for Samurai Champloo.

Fetucine said:
(Kara no Kyoukai was three volumes mostly full of bloated bullshit that got cut out and got 7 movies, though most were half-length)

Wrong. Kara no Kyoukai was 7 chapters+epilogue in the novel just as the movies.

Fetucine said:
I'm completely baffled at the complaints on the show, it's extremely solid and probably going to be the best show this year, like Madoka was last year. SAO might surprise me, but I haven't got very high hopes based on the dotHack knockoff premise and the players involved (other than Kajiura).

> implying I consider Madoka to be a good show


To me it was good in its first three episodes after which it went slow & emo (which Urobuchi apparently loves) on Sayaka's route. The story elements and drama in Episode 10 were good too except the episode felt pointless since it wasn't in the current timeline. Oh yea, and that wish Madoka made... 12 episodes for that? No. Most of us said she should ask for that in episode 1 already.
Except there was no chance in hell of her making that wish in episode one. Let alone an intention to make any wish and become a magical girl until eps 2 to 3. :ohoho:

slow & emo (which Urobuchi apparently loves)

Yes, he does. :uh..: :cry:

To me it was good in its first three episodes
The story elements and drama in Episode 10 were good too except the episode felt pointless since it wasn't in the current timeline.

Oh, someone like you complimenting from a quarter to a third of the show could already be a nuke argument in its favour in itself. :XD: Nobody will put a gun to your head to make you like the rest. :V:

Except I don't consider Watanabe god. I don't consider Cowboy Bebop the greatest show of all time. Same for Samurai Champloo.

Neither do I. Considering them just damn good is enough for me. Cowboy Bebop doesn't even make it into my Top 10, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it a lot.
I support the 4 movies! In fact, they have to do it even with the end of this season! I don't mind if the plot is the same!
Delicious score soundtrack + Kalafina themes :plot: yes, I miss KnK.
It's Aniplex, so a movie compilation possibility won't be QUITE ruled out even after the show ends... :psst:

EDIT: oooookaaaaaay, let's just make sure everyone hates Kirei, shall we, gentlemen? As par for the course with Urobuchi, my fave character's dead. As par for the course with Urobuchi, this landmarks the main part of her suffering to begin. :cry:
btw, that scene with a pile of homunculi gives off a creepy NGE vibe :white:

Well, Rider and Waver are still alive. I'll choose to keep a little hope for them, because it's much harder to keep one for Kariya.

And what's worse, even one episode of Fate/Stay Night was enough to spoiler who's definitely coming out alive from this mess... :voodoo:

tl;dr I'm gonna miss you, Iri. :leaf:

*skips past the spoiler-y bits* Looking forward to the new ep tonight (I was busy with family-related stuffs so missed my little saturday night routine!).

I think I can understand where grunty's coming from in terms of the pacing. It's not really ideal to watch it in little instalments each week; I'd rather watch it in two hour chunks or marathon it all in one go. :blood: I think a rewatch will be more enjoyable than waiting for saturday to arrive because it's a 'linear' story rather than an episodic fight-of-the-week format.

I guess that since TV anime is sold on DVD/blu-ray after its episodic broadcasts, maybe it's not intended to be enjoyed piecemeal these days? I only watch anime episodically out of impatience...when I can I wait until I can watch the whole thing.

Anyhow, I'm also really appreciating the likes of Apollon and E7 AO...surprisingly I've been hooked on Hyouka too. There are a lot of really good shows airing right now.
Yeah, it's actually rare for me to watch ongoings, too. Madoka must have been te first one, although I guess I'd have checked out Pandora Hearts on a weekly basis if I had the opportunity then - being a fan of the show's composer does factor in here. :XD: But it didn't work with other series - I started watching Mouretsu Pirates, for instance, and considered the show to be nice but left it after a few episodes, intending to revisit the full set later. It's just annoying to hunt for raws, then wait until they re subbed, or try watching English hardsub online on eternally overcrowded servers... No, it takes at least a Yuki-related animu to make me go through that, and it'd better be good in itself, too.

I plan to watch Apollon as well. No urge towards Hyouka so far, although I saw some shots and the OP and that dark-haired girl sure looks cute.
I'm annoyed by Rider, how could he hurt Maya?! (though I know that it's part of the job) Good thing he was defeated at the end.

Kariya is going way tooooo crazy. :omg:
Yes Nick! I've been so delayed, but I'm catching up..Maya's death really made me sad, I don't know why. :leaf:
It made many of us sad, but you know Rider is not the type to do such things outside a just and glorious battle. And if you want a hint before watching on, just remember where the said episode leaves Waver and Rider. :glasses:

Speaking of Waver - minna-san, check out the latest episode, and look at his fingers after Rider calls him his friend...this guy IS the official tsundere of the show, or I'm not Nick Hunter! :ohoho:
apollon is great so far.. :sparkleguy: ..though now im having some complaints

woww on a very subjective note i found grandpa talk quite emotive/fresh/relieving :plz:...now i dont want to risk my life either.. , waver a.k.a. "the official tsundere of the show" right? should really consider staying with grandpa and grandma...
and then rider comes with "master or not, you are my friend" :cry: and waver finally risks his life.. :ohoho: but with a smile on his face.. :cry:

also nice use of "ala KnK" melody to fit the mood

won't talk of iri...as it's hopeless.... :cry: ..and kirei is pure evil

..the weekly wait and the format...mmm i have mixed feelings with it