@Liana: its not new at all lol it was the song that was used for the very first PV for Fate/Zero, and into the anime has already been used twice last season. 

I demand a "Is Kirigitsu a yerk?" poll on the first page.
Eddie エディ said:I think Irisviel was created 10 years before the war that is taking place in Fate/Zero.
Jubstacheit von Einzbern created her for Kiritsugu to use as the grail during the upcoming war.
Of course I could be wrong I wasn't really paying attention when I was listening to the Drama CD's
I actually feared of a later date, so it's kinda good news.george1234 said:I dont think that it was methioned, so thanks!, but I me and Kazado were expecting it would release aorund August or September, so no rage
btw, link