I have a friend like that too, and it annoys me just as much. I agree- it's like they don't want to get better.This probably makes me sound like a terribly impatient person but lately one thing that's been making me anxious and frustrates me is when this person always messages me about their problems and stuff and how they don't know what to do, and I listen and offer or suggest ways to help, and then they completely brush off everything I said and go "oh hahaha welp I guess this is just how things are, I guess I just gotta deal with it huh" and I'm just sitting there like "I JUST TOLD YOU ALL THESE WAYS YOU COULD GET HELP OR GET BETTER"
@sarasara I had a practice exam for the AP World History exam this morning, and it's only making me dread the real thing in a few weeks even more![]()
This is the only year of taking 1 AP test/class, so yay for next year.... At my school I've heard sophomore year (my next year) is hell, so rip meHaha, I remember taking that Freshman year. Fun stuff.
Well, all I can say is savor the days when you only have 1 AP Test a year. It becomes absolute hell junior and senior year, especially if you decide to do IB as well.
if you want college credits, do AP. if you like to write, do IBI haven't decided about IB yet, though my school does offer it. I'm split between certificate and diploma. At least my brother, who's currently a junior, is doing diploma, so I have a bit of a look ahead with him.
I know right!!!! I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, apparently since I was a baby (according to my parents - I only noticed it as a teenager). Melatonin generally helps with this - not spectacularly, but it helps. So do programs like f.lux (for the computer) or red moon (for the phone).^I'm that way too, but not with staying awake. I'm like, why can't I just sleep until my alarm goes off? And, no matter what even if I am dead tired, I will always go to bed around midnight. And even if I have to wake up early the next morning too. Ugh. And then, on days I don't, I feel so groggy I don't want to do anything. *sigh*
You have it easy on the piano... In some other instruments (e.g. flute) it screws up your fingerings in MUCH WORSE waysWhy must the bridge to Kimi no Gin no Niwa be in B major (5 sharps) on piano!!
I have both of "The BEST" piano books, and the blue version contains KnGnN as the 2nd song.That said, where did you find the sheet music?![]()
Yaaaaaay..... I have a stomach bug on a day where I have 2 tests![]()