Wore myself out today by walking... 50 km.

That must have taken, what, 10 hours?!
Why did you do that? Just to exercise?
Yesterday one of my laptop's keys was stuck and kept pressing itself. Of all keys, it had to be the 6. Looked like my laptop was possessed by a daemon and was typing the number of the beast on its own accord.
(If you ever spill a drink on your keyboard, DO NOT MOVE IT until it's dried!!!!!! The keys act like umbrellas for the mechanism so it's spill-proof to some extent, but if you move it, the drops might sneak into the mechanism and damage it)
I did have a replacement keyboard but didn't want to replace it alone, wanted someone else above my head just to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. I thought I'd just go to our hackerspace, they even had an event there. I asked on their IRC channel if anyone was there but got no reply until what was meant to be a few minutes into the event. Meanwhile the 6 was behaving better so I let it be for the day.
And then my brother called me. So our kitchen trashcan (under the sink, inside the cupboard) was broken and didn't close well. We went to our village during the weekend without taking down the trash ("come on, it's just two days"). When we came back, the whole cupboard was full of what looked like insect eggs. For some reason, we managed to not realize that until late in the afternoon. Took us forever to empty the cupboard and either clean or throw away all the things. A lot of small things went wrong in that process. Plus my knees got bruises from sitting seiza on the marble floor all that time.
Just as I thought I was done with that, I had to go and buy some milk (we have some milk vending machines that sell great and cheap milk, but I need to cycle a bit to reach them). Meanwhile I thought I'd drop by my boyfriend's house (he's away for a few days) in order to drop off some things and pick up, among other things, garbage bags (mine were under the sink so we threw them all away just in case). I forgot the garbage bags. We had to look for leftover shopping bags that were not in the cursed cupboard.
I came back with the milk, wanted to make a hot chocolate, and I wanted to make it a bit thicker so I was looking for the niseste flour. 404 file not found. My brother dropped half the contents of a cupboard while desperately trying to find niseste, but still nothing. I tried using normal flour and failed miserably (don't try that, guys). To make things worse, I spilled half the flour and parts of the freshly made hot chocolate (in the kitchen, fortunately, not next to my laptop!).
I was looking forward to the time reaching 00:00 so I could finally get rid of my bad luck. Little did I know, it wouldn't happen yet. So I put my laptop and then myself to sleep mode. But then the 6 key kept pressing itself, making both me and the laptop wake up and filling the password prompt with shadowed sixes. After this, one single mosquito was waking me up every approximately one hour, either by buzzing into my ear or making me itchy. I couldn't even locate it, after one or two seconds it would just vanish without a warning, as if it had gotten "Hide in plain sight" from some D&D game.
EDIT: This, this, just this:
Fortunately today was a much better day. I killed the mosquito (around 3PM, finally!), went to the hackerspace, successfully replaced the laptop keyboard, ran some other errands nearby, and cycled back without receiving a single rain drop.