Complain about all!

Give me some sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep


(my stomach hurts)
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I don't think I got the job. Grrr. And I saw the lady I interviewed with and she did not say anything to me about it. Unless they are still making a decision, but it is the end of the week and that's when she said I would hear about it if anything. *sigh* Guess back to the drawing board. Well, I am going to throw this drawing board pretty soon.:stupidtable: Sorry, just getting frustrated. It's been so long since I have had actual work. I can't do retail because of my back. There have been more and more receptionist jobs but they go so quickly. Ugh.
Give me some sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep


(my stomach hurts)

Me exactly last night... I tried going to sleep @ 12:45 (I was at a football game), to no avail. After about an hour of listening to music, my stomach started hurting like crazy. I was extremely close to puking during most of the time. We were also staying in a hotel, so no medicine. My mom was extremely awesome to go buy some Pepto-Bismol at the nearby gas station 3 AM, so that helped settle my stomach. It wasn't until around 5:30 that I finally fell asleep. I still feel horrible today, due to both stomach pains and lack of sleep...
^Ew, Pepto... my mom hates the stuff and I can't even look at it. That's why I kind of won't try the strawberry Protein shakes. heh

We sang the hymn that sounds like my high school's graduation song. And in the song when it says "God's will be done" I am like "St. Catherine's High" :blood: it's a terrible song. I mean, not the hymn version, but the graduation one. Now it's stuck in my head. Quick Kalafina help me! heh Also been feeling blah today. I wan to go to Ren Faire tomorrow, but I don't want to have to stop a lot, though I know that's what's going to happen. Plus it's the last weekend and hot, and someone might be coming with that I don't really care for. So I'm torn. I love the Renassaince Faire, but I have gone once this year so I don't know.
^We have Labor Day here. Are you in the US too? I thought you were. Anyways... it's just another monday for me, since I am not working. Though I do have chores to do, like ironing which I have been putting off and putting off. Ugh. And I just swept the floor not two days ago and it's dirty again. There's three (including me) people living here, how does it get so dirty? Ahhh! lol I also have to use the Bona (it's a swifter type thing that squirts a cleaning liquid on the floor and then you go over it with the pad) thing on the floor too. (My brother and his fiance are coming for dinner. Ribs! Yuuuum.)

I went to the Renassaince Faire yesterday again and did a lot of walking, but I must have done something to my leg, like twist it wrong, because the hamstring hurts and so does right under my knee. (I should know the medical terms for those heh) And my back and feet are killing me. Well, I knew that was going to happen. Plus I was carrying my bag which was heavy due to my brother buying a headdress for Laura. Also I had very very strange dreams last night. I don't think they would be considered nightmares, maybe suspenseful dreams? They were just too weird. I am still creeped out by them. heh Also, I want it to be the 16th so I can have my Kala (and maybe Chiaki album) album and record! Grr. I want this week to go by fast. And I want it to come on Tues this time so I have time to listen to the record. (Hopefully it'll work this time.)
My friend lied to me about being bi so we could be closer after I told her I had a crush on someone in our friendship group (who has the same gender as me.) She said she did it because she thinks I'm really nice and wanted to get to know me more but... I kind of feel betrayed
My neck is so sore. I am sick of this. I just want to curl up and not do anything.

Also I had a call about a job and I was supposed to call this lady about the proficiency test in Word and Excel (I wish I could just do them online like the others, but no I have to go somewhere to do it) and I was transferred but got her voicemail. So I left a message, this was Thurs. Then Fri came and nothing so I left a message again before I left for Franklin. Then came home and nothing still. I called the place and told them I was trying to get a hold of her. They transferred me again and I got voicemail again! Ugh. Then finally she called but while my mom was on the phone. Ugh. This always seems to happen. But she said she'd been swamped with stuff for the job fair that was happening on Wed, and that we should do the testing after. Well, I am trying to get a job sooooo... I got kind of upset. Well, I am going to call first thing Monday, since I have appts and stuff too. It was frustrating, since she never got back to me right away. *sigh* Okay, I am done. I hope to get the testing done Thurs since that is my only day next week where I'm not really busy. Fri starts the festival at my church so I'll be working that at night and I have a dentist appt in the morning. Blech. At 10 a.m. too. Ew. I don't want to go but I already rescheduled so... yeah. It's just a cleaning, but still.
It's Monday morning, I don't want to get out of bed, and I really don't want to drive back to campus. Sigh
^Maybe get a bed there? Haha Like they do in Japan, or used to, with sleeping in their cubicles. There should be a student lounge (like teacher's lounges but where students could take naps or sleep overnight). Not that I need one anymore.
lol Liana

tomorrow's thursday and I keep thinking it's friday and I just really want to be in the mountains why can't tomorrow be friday : (
also I kinda should be reading two chapters for my class at 8am tmr...
^My mom would like it if it were Sunday night, then the festival would be over and she wouldn't have to work it.

I have been cleaning all day. My back feels like it's going to fall off. But I hope the hot shower will help. It is really humid in here since it rained. Which also sucks for the set up of the festival. I was hoping it'd be nice until Sunday night. I mean technically it's Sat that it's over but Sunday we have mass outside which is nice since everyone sits together instead of spread out. Also I have dentist tomorrow at 10 a.m. I'd rather do math than go, it's just a cleaning, but still. I feel like I've been there a lot recently, since I had a cap fall off. I don't like it when they poke you with the metal pick and then your gums hurt for the rest of the day. Ugh. Please hope for good weather everyone!
My car CD player loved this brand new "Big Bang" album by Shokotan so much that it decided to retain it >_<
The sum total of my achievements yesterday were getting a bill paid and dropping off and collecting the lawnmower from repair for some much needed grass cutting [at some time in the near future]. Still need to get back into regular exercise and sleep patterns.