My birthday has probably been the worst it has ever been. First an entire year level of 60 people forget my birthday (while seeming to remember everybody else's birthday since everybody whooped and cheered for Lucy's birthday TWO DAYS EARLY and we all sang for Suzie the day before. This event proceeded to me breaking down and crying during maths after Brooke has to prompt everybody so they all yelled happy birthday at me. Then finally sang Happy Birthday 3 weeks later. The sad thing is I didn't expect the entire locker room covered in my face with balloons everywhere and a jar of positivity that everyone got to school at 7:30 to do like they all did for Alice. I just wanted people to say happy birthday and remember it. Especially since I told people (but they all deny it.) Not even my friends remembered, none of the teachers either.
More recently I received gifts from my family... No one in my family even cares to know me at all. My god mother gave me a bunch of make-up (no brushes), nail polish and fake nails (A very generic gift) . None of which I will ever be able to use due to the dress code my school has. The sad thing is she usually gives me creative things that are artsy and I was really hoping to get something like that. One of my cousins got me the new Rhianna perfume which doesn't smell nice AT ALL! Lastly my other cousin who was going to get me the new MATD album was busy working so she didn't show up.
And not a single bit of money from anybody and my family started giving them all $50 no matter what the gift was since they were my age. All in all a very bad birthday
More recently I received gifts from my family... No one in my family even cares to know me at all. My god mother gave me a bunch of make-up (no brushes), nail polish and fake nails (A very generic gift) . None of which I will ever be able to use due to the dress code my school has. The sad thing is she usually gives me creative things that are artsy and I was really hoping to get something like that. One of my cousins got me the new Rhianna perfume which doesn't smell nice AT ALL! Lastly my other cousin who was going to get me the new MATD album was busy working so she didn't show up.