Complain about all!

My birthday has probably been the worst it has ever been. First an entire year level of 60 people forget my birthday (while seeming to remember everybody else's birthday since everybody whooped and cheered for Lucy's birthday TWO DAYS EARLY and we all sang for Suzie the day before. This event proceeded to me breaking down and crying during maths after Brooke has to prompt everybody so they all yelled happy birthday at me. Then finally sang Happy Birthday 3 weeks later. The sad thing is I didn't expect the entire locker room covered in my face with balloons everywhere and a jar of positivity that everyone got to school at 7:30 to do like they all did for Alice. I just wanted people to say happy birthday and remember it. Especially since I told people (but they all deny it.) Not even my friends remembered, none of the teachers either.

More recently I received gifts from my family... No one in my family even cares to know me at all. My god mother gave me a bunch of make-up (no brushes), nail polish and fake nails (A very generic gift) . None of which I will ever be able to use due to the dress code my school has. The sad thing is she usually gives me creative things that are artsy and I was really hoping to get something like that. One of my cousins got me the new Rhianna perfume which doesn't smell nice AT ALL! Lastly my other cousin who was going to get me the new MATD album was busy working so she didn't show up.:touched: And not a single bit of money from anybody and my family started giving them all $50 no matter what the gift was since they were my age. All in all a very bad birthday:vortex:
^your post just reminded me to shut down my FB birthday notification. I can count on one hand the number of people who wished me happy birthday for the past 2 years when I have about 200+ friends.

And your pic of Hikaru jumping-- so cute. Like a child who sees Disneyland for the 1st time. :love:


Some people are just idiots. No wonder the gov can afford to become a bit delusional- they know the other side is even more delusional.
Lacrimosa: *hugs* That is so sad, I am sorry. I will remember your birthday. We usually make threads for birthdays here, but now there used to be your birthday under your username. But I will make a thread for you. When is your bday? (I actually did not want my bday remembered this year since I turned 30. Ugh. But I did not get carded at Vegas or Olive Garden when I ordered a drink. haha, but then I got a couple of great things, a trip to Key Lime Cove with my sister (it's a big indoor water park) and the Lindsey Stirling concert with my sister and mom, so I was happy, still I hate being reminded about it.)

I woke up with a major migraine this morning. It's better now. My shoulders are still hurting. And I'm wearing a sweater in August! Ugh. I did find out that it had the sweater had the thumb hole things, which I like. But still...
Lacrimosa: *hugs* That is so sad, I am sorry. I will remember your birthday. We usually make threads for birthdays here, but now there used to be your birthday under your username. But I will make a thread for you. When is your bday? (I actually did not want my bday remembered this year since I turned 30. Ugh. But I did not get carded at Vegas or Olive Garden when I ordered a drink. haha, but then I got a couple of great things, a trip to Key Lime Cove with my sister (it's a big indoor water park) and the Lindsey Stirling concert with my sister and mom, so I was happy, still I hate being reminded about it.)

I woke up with a major migraine this morning. It's better now. My shoulders are still hurting. And I'm wearing a sweater in August! Ugh. I did find out that it had the sweater had the thumb hole things, which I like. But still...
My birthday was ages ago it's okay. It's silly to think there'd be a birthday thread for me after I joined a week or two ago. It was the 12th (although in America that'd be the 11th) That migraine sounds horrible. Hope your feeling a bit better now.
Hey you! @LacrimosaRaven Happy belated birthday to you!
I have been in your exact situation. IN fact, i was in the similar situation once more this year since my Facebook was deactivated during my birthday, no one remembered. Well, only 3 of my friends did. And my direct family members. My cousins, uncles and aunts, other friends kinda forgot. It was kinda harsh but for some reason, i didnt care. Maybe because im older now than I was when your exact incident took place with me when I was still in high school.

Dont worry about it. Your family is kind. Their and your kindness will come back to you sometime in the future.
@LacrimosaRaven, I'm so sorry that happened to you. D: Happy belated Birthday!

Two terrible things bothered me today. One was that I managed to bend my glasses out of shape. I accidentally stepped on them in the dark because they fell on the floor and I didn't know. I didn't break the lenses, thankfully, but now it's really annoying to have headphones on... and I always wear headphones. The other is that I was reorganizing my CDs and I noticed my KNGNN CD's case cracked. I'm too afraid of opening it anymore in case it fully breaks.:cry:
^Wow, that sucks... I am sorry.

Smoshes: Happy Belated Birthday to you too! We should just have a main birthday thread and then people can say happy birthday! And then someone who's birthday it is can say thank you! But that'd be a little weird. lol

Ugh... why is it always my opinion on here that gets blown out of proportion? I guess I did sound like a jerk a bit, but I was saying my opinion, though I really do not like rap. I know there are people who like both Kajiura and that form of entertainment. I am sorry, please don't boot me off the forums.
^ last I checked this isn't a we love rap forum so I figure you are safe.


Great. Just great. We have a toss-up between a group of yes-men and a group of clowns. I guess I'll spoil my first vote. Cheers!
@Liana_Ilia I would agree, and to be frank, I don't like rap at all as well.

Yesterday was so awkward, and IDK why... I think it's because I had to babysit my younger brother for 2 hours, which through my schedule off. Luckily during most of it, he was just watching me play Splatoon XD

Also, my stepmom is so intolerant to people. Like when a few weeks ago, we were going to my older brother's school for open house, and she was literally straight out mocking it (and the people who go there. She wants the school to be a white majority school). And I actually like the school and can't wait to go there next year for HS...
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@Liana_Ilia I would agree, and to be frank, I don't like rap at all as well.

Yesterday was so awkward, and IDK why... I think it's because I had to babysit my younger brother for 2 hours, which through my schedule off. Luckily during most of it, he was just watching me play Splatoon XD

Also, my stepmom is so intolerant to people. Like when a few weeks ago, we were going to my older brother's school for open house, and she was literally straight out mocking it (and the people who go there. She wants the school to be a white majority school). And I actually like the school and can't wait to go there next year for HS...
She sounds horrible :vortex:
^She's fine, she's just a bit intolerable to people who are different than her. Plus I think she was extremely stressed out that day, so I guess that caused most of it. She's not like the "evil stepmother" in Cinderella at all :XD:
My school has a bug with subject selection . It's currently impossiple to choose music for the whole year or one semester with the other as a reserve. I emailed the coordinator and I went to IT and showed them. I also told all my classmates from this year who did music to pass the messgae along. IT is going to tell the head of senior years (apparently since he's the only staff member who actually follows up on this kind of stuff). Hopefully the coordinator will follow suit. I hope the school doesn't derp around and do nothing. They legit have a weekend to fix it
Ugh, did not feel well at all today. Plus I have this new pain now in my shoulder that had not been there before. I mean, I've had back pain before that's really bad, but this is just shooting. I went to the dr's today but they could not fill my scripts because they needed authorization, and then the dr's office closed at 4:30, and now they are closed for the weekend. Ugh. I am going to bed now.
My second lesson with my new singing teacher was better. She actually gave me some inspiring advice about telling a story through singing and how to express the story vocally in different ways. It spoke to me since I often think songs tell stories. Also because when I was bullied and misunderstood in 2nd grade the lyrics were my words when I couldn't speak. The lyrics to songs told my story and expressed how I was feeling when I didn't have he power and confidence to tell others how I was. For that reason music will always be special to me.
Strangley she didn't go over the second verse when we were learning Imagine (probably because it's exactly the same as the first verse) and for our second song she gives me a NINE PAGE MEDLEY. Can she even handle to play the successfully especially if we have to change keys???? It makes me worry... also that app. just... ufrhfjewghhhfjkreg WHYYY?!?!

My guitar teacher is currently touring so we have a replacement till the end of term. He's very laid back and doesn't seem to know how to input good structure. He's probably just seeing were everyone's at without the structure so he can support our weaknesses though. The strange thing was that when I admitted to not practising he seemed to not care. My usual teacher could instantly tell and it always made me feel bad to disappoint him. Apparently my replacement says I have really good practising habits so that's always nice. I'll have to practise extra hard and blow his socks off when he gets back next term.
^I've always wished I were able to sing properly. I've listened to bands like Depeche Mode and Slowdive so many times thinking, "I wish I could do that." :uh..: I've not had a guitar lesson my life either, but at least I've somehow found my own way (even though it's probably far slower than structured learning). Fortunately I hate the sound of my own guitar playing less than the sound of my own voice!
^Yeah, that's probably what I'll do for a little while after my violin teacher leaves at the end of the year, though she said she had some people in mind. I just would feel too sad to go to someone else right away, you know? But that's awesome that you were able to find out about guitar on your own. There's a Keith Urban set now where he teaches you how to play simple melodies, but it's a lot of money. But you do get a guitar with Urban on it, so I guess that's cool. My dad tried playing and he still plays but really gets bummed when he can't play like Neil Young, his favorite. Kind of like me and Konno and Lindsey. heh

But wow Lacrimosa: you are taking singing and guitar! That's way more than I could do. To have to practice that all. I don't practice the violin as much as i should. :desksweat: I know... but that's amazing. I started when I was 17, so awhile ago now heh, but that seems old to most people to start an instrument, though my teacher said you can never be too old to learn.
read an article (?) and it reminds me of Kaho Mizuki from CCS and how I hate her.